
What’s in the zoo? Let’s have a look. There is an elephant with very big ears. There are three black bears. There are six black and white pandas. There is a fat pig. There are birds with big mouths. The monkeys are brown and they have long tails...

1.Who has big ears?

A Elephant.

B Bear.

C Panda.

D Bird.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据“There is an elephant with very big ears.”可知,大象有大耳朵。故选A。

2.How many bears are there?

A Two.

B Three.

C Four.

D Five.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据“There are three black bears.”可知有三只熊。故选B。

3.What color are the pandas?

A Black.

B Black and white.

C Brown.

D Back and yellow.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据“There are six black and white pandas.”可知熊猫是黑白色的。故选B。

4.The pig is ______.

A small

B tall

C short

D fat

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据“There is a fat pig.”可知,动物园有一只胖胖猪。故选D。

5.The monkeys _____.

A are tall

B are yellow

C have long tails

D have big mouths

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据“The monkeys are brown and they have long tails...”可知猴子是棕色的,有长长的尾巴。故选C。