
According to historical records, China is considered the birthplace of tea. The earliest documented use of tea dates back to the Zhou Dynasty, while tea became popular during the Han Dynasty. With trade along the Silk Road, tea spread from China to various parts of the world, deeply influencing global tea culture. China boasts the most diverse range of teas globally, including green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea and dark tea, each with its unique production method and flavors. Here are three well-known teas with amazing aromas (香味) and tastes produced in China.

West Lake Longjing is one of China’s famous green teas, produced in Longjing Village and its surrounding areas in the West Lake area of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. It is famous for its unique appearance, aroma and taste. With a long history dating back to the Tang Dynasty, West Lake Longjing has been mentioned in Lu Yu’s “Classic of Tea” for tea production in Hangzhou’s Tianzhu and Lingyin Temple. Longjing tea gained fame in the Song Dynasty, improved in quality during the Yuan Dynasty, became popular among the common people in the Ming Dynasty and was even offered as a tribute in the Qing Dynasty. 
White Peony is another famous historical tea in Fujian, China, belonging to the category of white tea. It is mainly produced in Zhenghe county, Jianyang city, and other areas in Fujian province, using Fuding Big White Tea and Zhenghe Big White Tea as the main raw materials processed through traditional methods. White Peony tea is known for its antioxidant (抗氧化) properties, immune-boosting effects, digestive benefits, and potential for weight loss and beauty enhancement.
Pu’er tea is a unique fermented (发酵) tea from Yunnan province, China, classified into two types: raw (sheng) and ripe (shu) Pu’er. Raw Pu’er tea is initially bitter but becomes smoother and mellow (醇香的) with age. Ripe Pu’er tea undergoes artificial fermentation, resulting in a rich flavor with distinctive aged aromas and sweetness. The name “Pu’er” originates from its main trading center, Pu’er city, an important stop along the ancient Tea Horse Road. 
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1.What is NOT true about tea in China?

A China is the homeland of tea.

B China has the widest variety of teas.

C China deeply affected global tea culture.

D Tea became welcomed during the Zhou Dynasty.


2.Why does the author mention “Classic of Tea”?

A To prove West Lake Longjing’s old age.

B To show the fame of West Lake Longjing.

C To share the unique appearance of Longjing.

D To tell the development of West Lake Longjing.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第二段中的“With a long history dating back to the Tang Dynasty, West Lake has been mentioned in Lu Yu’s ‘Classic of Tea’ for tea production in Hangzhou’s Tianzhu and Lingyin Temple.”西湖龙井历史悠久,早在唐代,陆羽的《茶经》就曾提及杭州的天竺、灵隐寺产茶,即提及《茶经》是为了证明西湖龙井茶的历史悠久。故选A。

3.What is NOT mentioned about White Peonyy?

A Its birthplace.

B Its inventor.

C Its raw materials.

D Its function.


4.The name “Pu’er” comes from _______.

A a trading route

B an ancient stop

C a fresh city

D an exchange center

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“The name ‘Pu’er’ originates from its main trading center, Pu’er city, an important stop along the ancient Tea Horse Road.”“普洱”之名源于其主要贸易中心——茶马古道上的重要一站——普洱市,即一个古老的驿站。故选B。