
Sam’s grandpa lives in a quiet village near the mountain and river. He is old, but he is strong and hard-working. There is a lot of work in his garden. But he is happy to work there. He gets many fresh vegetables because of his hard work. He would share the vegetables with friends. He sends them to Sam’s family in the city, too. This weekend, Sam comes to Grandpa’s garden with his dog. He helps Grandpa pick the apples. “Don’t pick all of them”, says Grandpa. Sam doesn’t understand. Grandpa says, “The apples in the basket are enough for us. Those on the trees are for the birds.”

1.Sam’s grandpa is ______.

A quiet

B hard-working

C strict

D weak

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据“He is old, but he is strong and hard-working.”可知,山姆的爷爷很勤奋。故选B。

2.Sam’s grandpa often works ______.

A in the mountain

B by the river

C on the farm

D in the garden

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据“There is a lot of work in his garden.”可知,他的爷爷在他的园子里劳作。故选D。

3.Sam lives ______.

A with Grandpa

B in the village

C in the city

D in the forest

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据“He sends them to Sam’s family in the city, too.”可知,山姆一家住城里。故选C。

4.Grandpa will leave some apples to ______.

A his friends

B the birds

C the dog

D the cat

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据“Those on the trees are for the birds.”可知,树上的苹果是给鸟儿留的。故选B。