
One day, Dan goes to play in the forest (森林). It’s late and he wants to go home but he doesn’t know how. He is lost. Dan is sad. A fairy (仙子) comes. “Why are you sad, little boy?” asks the fairy. “I am lost. I don’t know how to go back home.” “Poor little boy. Are you hungry?” the fairy asks Dan. “Yes,” Dan says. “Would you like some bread?” the fairy asks. “Yes, please.” Dan says. Wow, Dan can see some bread under the tree! “Let’s eat some watermelons. They are yummy,” the fairy says. Dan eats some bananas and grapes too. “Would you like some strawberries?” the fairy asks. “No, thank you. I’m full now. Thank you for the food.” Dan says. Then the fairy helps Dan get out of the forest and go home. Dan is happy.

1.Dan meets a fairy ______.

A in the zoo

B at home

C at school

D in the forest

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据“One day, Dan goes to play in the forest.”和“A fairy comes.”可知,丹在森林里遇到了仙子。故选D。

2.Where is the bread?

A Under the tree.

B On the tree.

C On the desk.

D Under the desk.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据“Dan can see some bread under the tree!”可知,面包在树下。故选A。

3.Dan doesn’t eat ______.

A bread

B watermelons

C bananas

D strawberries

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据“‘Would you like some strawberries?’ the fairy asks. ‘No, thank you. I’m full now. Thank you for the food.’”可知,丹没有吃草莓。故选D。

4.The fairy is ______.

A quiet

B friendly

C sad

D bad
