
Qu Yuan, a great politician and poet in the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC), was born in a noble family of the Chu State, one of seven powerful states at that time. He was the chief poet and representative of chuci (the Songs of Chu), a member of the ruling house, a state man and a diplomat.

There were several ups and downs in his career — for after each banishment (流放) he was recalled to court, only to be again refused and shamed. In the meantime, his country was in danger. Failing to follow Qu Yuan’s advice, the king of Chu foolishly went to a conference with the king of Qin, the most powerful military state in that period. He was held there by the Qin army and died in captivity (囚禁). His son, the new king, instead of avenging (报仇) his father’s death, made a humiliating peace with his enemy. This, however, did not deter Qin’s aggressive designs against Chu, and Qu Yuan, who had started his banishment as a result of his political failure, lived long enough to see the capital of his state ruined by the army of Qin in 278 B.C. At that time, Qu Yuan was already an old man of over sixty, and the fall of the Chu capital was the last blow to his patriotic hope.
On the breakthrough of Qin army into the capital of his country, Qu Yuan threw himself into Milo River and died with his country. At the news of his suicide, Chu people, who showed high respect to him for his integrity and nobleness, rushed to save by boat. But, they failed even to find his body. So they dropped rice balls into the river in order that the fish would not eat his body.
In memory of this great patriotic poet, people made it a custom that on the day of his death, the fifth day of every fifth lunar month, loong boat races would be held and people should eat zongzi. The tradition is still kept up to now, called the Loong Boat Festival.
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1.What can we know about Qu Yuan from the text?

A His birth year.

B His marriage.

C His family members.

D His positions.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段中的“a great politician and poet”“a member of the ruling house, a state man and diplomat.”可知,屈原是诗人、政治家、外交家。即文章材料提到了他的职位。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “deter” probably mean?

A Discourage.

B Approve.

C Discover.

D Encourage.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线词所在句子前的“He was held there by the Qin army and died in captivity. His son, the new king, instead of avenging his father’s death, made a humiliating peace with his enemy.”可知,楚王被秦军囚禁而死,他的儿子新楚王,没有为他父亲的死“报仇”,而是与他的敌人达成了屈辱的和平;结合划线词前面的转折副词however,可知这种行为并没能阻止秦国进攻楚国,由此推断deter表示“阻止,使停止”的含义。故选A。

3.Which of the following traditions is related to Qu Yuan?

A Making a loong boat.

B Dining on zongzi.

C Looking for some fish.

D Dropping rice into the river.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后两段中的“rushed to save by boat”“dropped rice balls into the river”“loong boat races would be held and people should eat zongzi.”可知,端午节划龙舟和吃粽子这两个习俗与屈原有关。故选B。

4.What kind of person was Qu Yuan?

A Talented and loyal.

B Responsible and confident.

C Powerful and creative.

D Professional and traditional.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第一段中的“the chief poet and representative of chuci”可知屈原才华横溢;根据倒数第三段最后几句,屈原因自己的国家灭亡而投江殉国可知他很忠诚。故选A。