
Born and raised in the Minnesota, Amy Subaey has also lived in Bahrain and Egypt and moved to Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), in 2002. But when she was suddenly fired from her position as an English instructor at an energy company during the Covid pandemic, she found herself unemployed in a foreign country with her teenage daughter, and no clue in which direction to take her career. So she decided to follow her passion.

As an enthusiastic hiker and mountain climber, during her time in Dubai, Subaey had struggled to find like-minded people to trek with her, so in 2011 she had started a weekend hiking group. A few years later she turned it into a business called UAE Trekkers, running weekend hikes while she continued to teach English in the week.
After losing her job in 2020, Subaey, who is now aged 55, decided to focus her energies on UAE Trekkers, which now has more than 30,000 followers on social media and offers guided hikes to over 60,000 people.
No longer working a nine-to-five, she regularly wakes up at 3 am on weekdays to lead treks around some of the most breathtaking scenery surrounding Dubai, such as the exclave (飞地) of Hatta, Sharjah, Fujairah, and the neighboring country of Oman, home to Snake Canyon, a deep gorge that allows hikers to dive into its water-filled pools. She even offers a specialist sunset hike across the Liwa desert in Abu Dhabi — used as a location for filming “Dune Part Two”.
Subaey’s goal was always to get people out of Dubai city, into nature, and have them fall in love with hiking. “You can’t really feel your problems when you’re in out in nature,” she says. “Just being outside in the fresh air is so peaceful; it makes me more absorbed in the present moment. I stay out for three or four hours and once I get back, I feel so refreshed.”
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1.What made Subaey pursue her passion?

A The responsibility of raising a daughter.

B Suffering from serious illness.

C Being a lack of funds.

D Her unemployment.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段的“But when she was suddenly fired...she found herself unemployed...and no clue in which direction to take her career”可知,当因为新冠疫情而失业时,她决定追随自己的热情。故选D。

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “trek”?

A Start a business.

B Teach English.

C Spend time walking.

D Provide guidance.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据前文的“As an enthusiastic hiker and mountain climber”和划线单词所在句的“like-minded people”可知,Subaey想找到志同道合的人和她一起“徒步”。故选C。

3.What can we know about Subaey’s present life?

A She earns a living through fans.

B She and her daughter are wandering.

C She gets up early every morning.

D She lives a fulfilled and colorful life.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段可知Subaey粉丝众多,并未提及她靠粉丝谋生;根据第四段“she regularly wakes up at 3am on weekdays”可知她在工作日早上起得很早,并未提及周末早上也起得很早;根据第四段她的工作内容可知,她过得很充实,生活丰富多彩。故选D。

4.What does Subaey want to tell us?

A Avoid problems we can’t solve.

B Step into nature and relax.

C Stay outdoors and get fit.

D Live in the moment.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段Subaey说的话,尤其是“get people...into nature”“ in out in nature”“Just being outside in the fresh air”“feel so refreshed”等可知,Subaey希望人们走进大自然,放松自己。故选B。