世界上年龄最小的男画家 1岁152天就能作画售出
世界上年龄最小的男画家 1岁152天就能作画售出

Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah was officially recognised as the world’s youngest male painter last Monday, after five months of waiting for Guinness World Records (GWR) to approve their attempt. He achieved the incredible feat aged one year and 152 days. The mother of the Ghanaian boy, Chantelle Kuukua Eghan, who has been an artist herself for eight years, shared her pride in her son’s artistic ability and hopes he can take the art world by storm.

“When I opened the email I just broke down,” Ms Eghan said. To qualify for the record, GWR said Ace-Liam needed to be part of a professional exhibition that was open to the public and sell his work. It added that the work needed to be done to a professional standard and evidence presented that it was done on his own.
Ace-Liam’s work was exhibited at the Museum of Science and Technology in the capital Accra, from last December to early January this year. He sold nine of the 10 pieces that were on display and was even commissioned (委托) by the First Lady, Rebecca Akufo-Addo, who attended the exhibit. The genius, who turns two in July, has sold 15 paintings throughout his career so far.
But this dive into the art world was initially unintended. Ms Eghan said he “crawled (爬)” into it. She was working on a piece she’d been commissioned to do for Miss Universe 2023. Being a single mother, she needed to take care of six-month-old Ace-Liam while she worked. “How do I balance between painting and raising a kid?” She thought to herself. On a sudden inspiration, she spread out a stretched canvas (画布) on the floor, put some paint on it and let him play with it. “He was so intrigued by the bright colours,” she said warmly. 
Ace-Liam’s artistry is defined by bright colours and acrylic paint (丙烯颜料) to create dynamic abstract images. “His paintings show someone who is intrigued about discovering things,” Ms Eghan said. She hopes her son will follow in the footsteps of Ghanaian artist Amaoko Boafo. “He has been able to put Ghana on the map when it comes to art,” she said.
奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What does the underlined word “feat” probably mean?

A Entertainment.

B Interaction.

C Achievement.

D Consumption.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据第一段划线单词前文“was officially recognised as the world’s youngest male painter”可知,这里说的是这个小男孩获得的“成就”。故选C。

2.Which word can best describe GWR’s review?

A Strict.

B Creative.

C Simple.

D Convenient.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Ace-Liam needed to be part of a professional exhibition that was open to the public and sell his work”“the work needed to be done to a professional standard and evidence presented that it was done on his own” Ace-Liam需要参加一个向公众开放的专业展览,并出售他的作品,并且作品需要达到专业标准,并提供证据证明这是他自己完成的。由此可知,吉尼斯世界纪录的审查是非常严格的。故选A。

3.Why did Ms Eghan let her son draw?

A To discover his talent.

B To develop his hobby.

C To keep him busy.

D To follow her dream.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Being a single mother, she needed to take care of six-month-old Ace-Liam while she worked.”可知,Eghan当时需要边工作边照顾孩子,所以她需要想办法让他“忙起来”。于是,她想到了让他画画。故选C。

4.What did Ms Eghan convey in the last paragraph?

A She was proud of her son.

B She would make her son famous.

C She was very interested in bright colors.

D She wished her son to bring fame to his country.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“She hopes her son will follow in the footsteps of Ghanaian artist Amaoko Boafo.”“He has been able to put Ghana on the map when it comes to art”她希望儿子能追随加纳艺术家Amaoko Boafo的脚步,Amaoko Boafo让加纳在艺术领域名声大噪,即为自己的祖国带来了荣誉。故选D。