
A ship was wrecked (失事的) during a storm at sea and only two of the men on it were able to swim to a small, desert like island.

The two survivors (幸存者), not knowing what else to do, agreed that they had no other choice but to pray (祈祷). However, to find out whose prayer was more powerful, they agreed to divide the territory between them and stay on opposite sides of the island.

The first thing they prayed for was food. The next morning, the first man saw a fruit-bearing tree on his side of the land, and he was able to eat its fruit. The other man’s land remained barren. After a week, the first man was lonely and he decided to pray for a wife. The next day, another ship was wrecked, and a woman swam to his side of the land. On the other side of the island, there was nothing. Soon the first man prayed for a house, clothes, and more food. The next day, like magic, all of these were given to him. However, the second man still had nothing.

Finally, the first man prayed for a ship, so that he and his wife could leave the island. In the morning, he found a ship docked at his side of the island. The first man boarded the ship with his wife and decided to leave the second man on the island. As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice from heaven, “Why are you leaving your friend on the island?” “My blessings are mine alone, since I was the one who prayed for them,” the first man answered. “His prayers were all unanswered and so he does not deserve anything.”

“You are mistaken!” the voice said. “He had only one prayer, which I answered. If not for that, you would not have received any of my blessings.” “Tell me,” the first man asked the voice, “What did he pray for?” “He prayed that all your prayers be answered.”

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What made the ship wrecked?

A Earthquakes.

B Bad weather.

C An accident.

D A mistake.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“A ship was wrecked during a storm at sea”可知,这艘航海船在海上风暴中失事。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “barren” mean?

A Beautiful.

B Dirty.

C Empty.

D Noisy.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据划线单词后面的“On the other side of the island, there was nothing.”“However, the second man still had nothing.”和“His prayers were all unanswered and so he does not deserve anything.”可知,第二个人什么都没得到,当第一个人的地盘上有一棵树正在结果实时,他的那块地仍然荒芜。故选C。

3.What does the first survivor intend to do in Paragraph 4?

A Go to the opposite side of the island.

B Pray for a better life.

C Save the second survivor.

D Leave the island.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Finally, the first man prayed for a ship, so that he and his wife could leave the island.”可知,第一个人祈祷一艘船来临,这样他和他的妻子就可以离开这个岛。故选D。

4.Which of the following best describes the first survivor?

A Humorous.

B Caring.

C Kind-hearted.

D Selfish.
