
Southwestern University

Candidate’s surname: Martella
Candidate’s first name: Javier
Student number: 15604088-B
Academic year: 2022 - 2023
Course: English Basics 2
Term: 3 (final)

Mark Breakdown (评分细则)
Shown in the above picture.

Well done, Javier, on all your hard work this term. You are always active in speaking activities, and this is great. I always enjoy reading your writing too; you have very good ideas. You can see from your marks that reading is not a problem for you.
Sometimes you still make small grammar mistakes, and I think you can improve your vocabulary. I recommend you review many of the language points we studied this term. There is extra language practice in your online workbook.
The area you need to work on the most is listening. I know this is difficult for you. I recommend more practice at home. Listen to English TV shows, podcasts and radio as much as possible. I can give you a list of things to listen to.
I’ve enjoyed working with you. Have a nice holiday, and good luck for next term!
Instructor’s (导师) name: Erin Gibbs
奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What was Javier best at?

A Reading.

B Listening.

C Writing.

D Speaking.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据表格信息可知,获得分数最高的部分是“Speaking”,即他最擅长口语。故选D。

2.What’s the pass mark of the course?

A 20.

B 50.

C 80.

D 90.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据表格“Pass mark”一列可知,五个部分的通过分数都是10分,即总共获得50分就可以通过该门课程。故选B。

3.What does the teacher think of Javier’s writing?

A She gets pleasure from it.

B She thinks it’s difficult for him.

C She thinks he needs better ideas.

D She thinks he needs to work more on it.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据“Comments”部分的“I always enjoy reading your writing too”可知,老师喜欢他的写作。故选A。

4.What does the teacher recommend to Javier?

A Being more active in speaking activities.

B Reviewing reading texts.

C Listening to lots of different things.

D Having a nice holiday.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据“Comments”部分的“I recommend more practice at home. Listen to English TV shows, podcasts and radio as much as possible. I can give you a list of things to listen to.”我建议在家里多练习,尽可能多地听英语电视节目、播客和广播,我可以给你列一张听的清单,可知老师建议他多听不同的东西。故选C。

5.What’s the material above?

A A study plan.

B A teaching plan.

C A school report.

D A suggestion letter.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。结合全文内容可知,本文是一份成绩报告单。故选C。