
“When I was young, I told my mother that I would go to China to learn Kung Fu one day. She didn’t believe it at the time. When I got there, I immediately called her and said, ‘Mom, guess where I am, I’m at the Shaolin Temple!’” says Max Yollando, a young man from the Cote d’Ivoire, sharing his love for Chinese culture.

At the time, Yollando was a student at the Felix Houphouet-Boigny University in Abidjan. Encouraged by his passion for Chinese culture, he joined the Confucius Institute to study Chinese. In late 2016, he had the chance to visit the temple in Henan province on a three-month exchange (交换). Yollando truly fell in love and felt sure that it was the place he had dreamed of since childhood.
After returning to the Cote d’Ivoire, Yollando continued to practice Chinese and study traditional culture. In 2017, he returned to the Shaolin Temple and remained there for several years. 
Yollando says the most impressive things he noticed in Chinese culture are the love of work, respect, and recognition (认可). “Coming to China to study made me more disciplined and hardworking. Before, I was a little lazy, but the Shaolin Temple taught me to be on time and thankful.”
At the end of 2022, when he completed his studies at the temple, he began working at a Shaolin cultural center in Zambia. The first of its kind in Africa, the center is home to 30 orphans (孤儿), who are taught Chinese language and traditional Chinese culture, including Kung Fu, as part of the lessons. For Yollando, the purpose of studying Chinese culture was to be able to return to Africa to introduce Chinese values to people in his country.
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1.How did Yollando feel when he called his mother?

A Disappointed.

B Surprised.

C Worried.

D Excited.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,小时候Yollando就告诉妈妈想去中国学习功夫,当他真的到中国时,他就马上给妈妈打电话,结合“Mom, guess where I am, I’m at the Shaolin Temple!”可知,他当时很兴奋。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “passion” probably mean?

A Great surprise.

B Great love.

C Great joy.

D Great pride.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“sharing his love for Chinese culture”可知,Yollando热爱中国文化。故选B。

3.How long did Yollando stay at the Shaolin Temple the second time?

A For five years.

B For six years.

C For seven years.

D For eight years.

解析:选A。A数字计算题。根据第三段中的“In 2017, he returned to the Shaolin Temple...”和最后一段中的“At the end of 2022, when he completed his studies at the temple..”可知,他第二次来到少林寺是在2017年,2022年底他离开了少林寺。因此,他第二次在少林寺待了5年。故选A。

4.What did Yollando learn from Chinese culture? ①Falling in love with work. ②Paying attention to time. ③ Sharing with others. ④Being thankful for life.

A ①③④

B ①②④

C ②③④

D ①②③

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“love of work”“taught me to be on time and thankful.”可知,他学习到了对工作的热情,要准时和学会感恩。并未提及分享。故选B。

5.What did Yollando do when he finished his studies in the Shaolin Temple?

A He taught English.

B He took care of children.

C He worked at the Shaolin Temple.

D He spread Chinese culture.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段的“taught Chinese language and traditional Chinese culture”“to introduce Chinese values to people in his country”可知,他完成学业后,回到非洲向同胞传播中国优秀的传统文化。故选D。