为听障者重塑世界 特教老师感动中国
为听障者重塑世界 特教老师感动中国

Liu Lingli is from Hengyang, a city in Hunan province, China. When she was a little girl, she met one of her neighbors, Mrs. Wang, who couldn’t hear and talk. That was one cold winter day. Liu was playing in her house. Wang used sign language to tell Liu something, but Liu did not understand. Mrs. Wang’s husband explained that she wanted to make her a scarf. This kind act touched Liu’s heart, and she wished Mrs. Wang could hear and talk. 

This experience inspired Liu a lot. When she was 14, she decided to become a teacher for students who couldn’t hear. She went to Nanjing Normal University of Special Education and learned how to teach these students. After four years, she finished her studies and became a teacher at Hengyang Normal School of Special Education, and taught Chinese language to first graders.
Liu was very young when she started teaching. But she treated the students as her children. She practised sign language every day for hours before classes. She also taught the students how to wash their face and clothes. She became the “mother” of the students.
When Liu was 32, she had her own baby. Sadly, the boy was born with a hearing problem. Her friends advised her to take some time off and get him treated, but Liu didn’t want to leave her students alone. She chose to teach her own son how to make sounds by herself after work. After several months both her son and her students made much progress because of her hard work. Liu said she loved hearing her students say “mom” or “dad” for the first time — it was the best sound for her.
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1.What did Liu’s neighbor want to do?

A Teach her something.

B Make her a scarf.

C Stay with her.

D Keep her happy.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Mrs. Wang’s husband explained that she wanted to make her a scarf.”可知,聋哑邻居想要织一条围巾送给刘玲琍。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “inspired” mean?

A Encouraged.

B Advised.

C Ordered.

D Allowed.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据后文中的“she decided to become a teacher”可知,和邻居沟通的经历“鼓励”了她,她决定报考特教专业。故选A。

3.Liu became a special education teacher _________.

A when she was 14

B when she was 18

C when she was 32

D when she was 22


4.How did Liu feel about children’s progress?

A Surprised.

B Worried.

C Satisfied.

D Afraid.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段内容,尤其是“Liu said she loved hearing her students say ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ for the first time — it was the best sound to her.”可知,刘玲琍对孩子们表现出来的进步表示很欣慰,即满意。故选C。

5.Which words can best describe Liu?

A Kind and strict.

B Serious and quiet.

C Clever and outgoing.

D Hard-working and strong.
