
It is 2024 now. On weekends, you’ll find Mateo Lange separating bottles and cans into different types. Mateo, 15, leads a community recycling program in Indian River, Michigan, his hometown.

Mateo launched the program in 2020. He was 11 and in sixth grade. He was playing baseball with the Northern Michigan Cyclones. The team needed money to travel to tournaments (锦标赛). Mateo came up with a plan. “There were cans and bottles always thrown around the road,” he tells TIME for Kids. In Michigan, these can be collected. Then they can be exchanged for money. Mateo started a bottle and can drive. His dad helped. They raised $7,500. “We built up so much money,” Mateo says. “So I said, ‘Why don’t we keep this going?’”
Since then, Mateo’s recycling effort has raised $350,000. And it has helped at least 50 youth groups. It has collected more than 2 million bottles and cans. It has kept them from littering Michigan’s roadsides. It has kept them out of lakes and rivers.
In 2023, Mateo was awarded a Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes. It honors kids and teens who help others and protect Planet Earth. “It feels great,” Mateo says, when asked about all he’s achieved. “I am happy knowing that all these teams and clubs and kids around the community are benefitting (受益).”
He believes everyone can—and should—be of service. “Just do a little bit to help make the world a little bit of a better place,” he says. “Be creative,” he adds. “Have an idea and build on it.”
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1.When was Mateo born?

A In 2005.

B In 2009.

C In 2019.

D In 2020.

解析:选B。B 数字计算题。根据第一段中的“Mateo, 15”以及第二段中的“Mateo launched the program in 2020. He was 11”可计算出,马特奥出生于2009年。故选B。

2.What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?

A How Mateo’s program started.

B What hobby Mateo used to have.

C How much money Mateo made.

D What Mateo achieved in baseball.

解析:选A。A 段落大意题。根据第二段中的关键词句“Mateo came up with a plan.”“Mateo started a bottle and can drive.”以及“Why don’t we keep this going?”可知,2020年,马特奥提出了回收瓶子和易拉罐的计划并实施,最终一直坚持做到现在。即本段主要介绍了他的这项社区回收项目是如何开始的。故选A。

3.What does the underlined word “them” refer to?

A Mateo’s recycling efforts.

B Youth groups.

C Michigan’s roadsides.

D Bottles and cans.

解析:选D。D 词意指代题。根据划线词所在句前两句“It has collected more than 2 million bottles and cans. It has kept them from littering Michigan’s roadsides.”它已经收集了200多万个瓶子和罐子。这使得它们不再在密歇根州的路边乱扔。结合语境可知,划线的them与前一句中的them是同一个,即指的是瓶子和易拉罐。故选D。

4.Which of the following can’t get a Gloria Barron Prize?

A 6-year-old Barbara.

B 10-year-old Amanda.

C 14- year-old Ryan.

D 25-year-old Samuel.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“In 2023, Mateo was awarded a Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes. It honors kids and teens who help others and protect Planet Earth.”可知,Gloria Barron Prize这个奖项是为儿童和青少年颁发的。结合选项可知,25岁的塞缪尔不能获得这个奖项。故选D。

5.In which part of a newspaper may the passage appear?

A Game Players.

B Bread Earners.

C Service Stars.

D Science Lovers.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了15岁的马特奥·兰格在社区回收瓶子和易拉罐赚钱帮助青年团体,并且帮助保护地球的相关情况。再结合最后一段中的“be of service”以及选项可知,本文最有可能出现在“服务之星”版块。故选C。