
Shadow play is a traditional form of entertainment that has been around for centuries. It was one of the first Chinese arts to be shown to the Western world.

It’s said that over 2,000 years ago, the practice started with Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty. He was very sad after his favorite concubine (妃子) passed away. To comfort him, one person created a puppet (木偶) that looked like the concubine out of cotton and silk. The person then used a cloth to show the emperor the puppet’s shadow. It looked like the concubine and made the emperor feel like he was seeing her spirit. This is believed to explain how shadow play began.
In shadow play, three to five artists control puppets behind a see-through white cloth screen. This creates a beautiful mix of opera, music, fine art, and special craftsmanship. During shows, the artists hold the puppets close to the screen. A bright light from behind casts (投射) the puppets’ colorful shadows onto the screen. The puppets move with the help of sticks and perform stories along with music. The puppet masters both play and sing the parts. The stories, often dramatic and sometimes about fairy tales or kung fu, show the puppets doing amazing things like riding clouds or performing surprising acts. Children, in particular, find these performances exciting because they are more magical than regular plays performed by people. That’s also why it’s especially loved by kids. 
Shadow play remains popular because it’s easy to carry; only a few people are needed for a show, and it can be performed almost anywhere. The plays mostly come from folk tales, although some are original.
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1.Shadow play ______.

A comes from the West

B has a long history

C tells about Emperor Wudi

D is modern art

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“has been around for centuries”可知,皮影戏历史悠久。结合“a traditional form”“Chinese arts”“started with Emperor Wudi”可知另外三项不正确。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “It” refer to?

A The cloth.

B The person.

C The cotton.

D The puppet.

解析:选D。D词意指代题。根据前文“To comfort him, one person created a puppet that looked like the concubine out of cotton and silk.”可知,为了安慰汉武帝,有人用棉花和丝绸做了一个像他爱妃的木偶,然后用一块布向汉武帝展示木偶的影子。由此可知,此处的It指代的是前文的“木偶”。故选D。

3.What is NOT needed in shadow play?

A Dancers.

B Music.

C Strong light.

D White screen.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“a see-through white cloth screen”“A bright light”“along with music”可知,音乐、强光、屏幕都是需要的。未提及舞者。故选A。

4.Children love shadow play for its ______.

A magic

B happiness

C rich color

D good fame

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“Children, in particular, find these performances exciting because they are more magical than regular plays performed by people. That’s also why it’s especially loved by kids.”孩子们觉得皮影戏很令人兴奋,因为它们比普通戏剧更神奇,这也是为什么它特别受孩子们喜欢。故选A。

5.Why is shadow play popular?

A Because it’s cheap.

B Because it’s common.

C Because it’s convenient.

D Because it’s educational.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段的“because it’s easy to carry; only a few people are needed for a show, and it can be performed almost anywhere”可知,皮影戏受欢迎是因为它很方便。故选C。