
The 21st annual survey conducted by the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of Press and Publication polled 1.58 million respondents in 173 cities in 31 provincial regions. Adults accounted for three-quarters of respondents (受访者), and about a fifth were from rural areas.

The report showed that people tended to read more through a variety of media last year (2023). It said 81.9 percent of those surveyed read through a variety of media, 0.1 of a percentage point higher than in 2022. Adults read for an average of just under 23 minutes and 23 seconds a day last year, 15 seconds more than in 2022. While 59.8 percent of grown-ups read books in 2023, the same as in 2022, readers of newspapers and magazines declined, by 0.4 and 0.2 percentage points, respectively.

More people read via digital media, with 80.3 percent of respondents reading on digital devices including computers, mobile phones, e-book readers and tablet computers, an increase of 0.2 percentage points compared with 2022. As the growth in reading digital books continued, people read fewer paper books. In 2023, Chinese adults read an average of 4.75 paper books and 3.40 electronic books. In comparison, the figures in 2022 were 4.78 and 3.33, respectively.

The survey also found that as people in China spent more time on mobile phones, increasing from 105.23 minutes in 2022 to 106.52 minutes in 2023, more people read on mobile phones. In 2023, 78.3 percent of adults read on mobile phones, compared with 77.8 percent in 2022, according to the survey.

Meanwhile, about 70.6 percent of adults read on computers, down from 71.5 percent in 2022. The proportion of people reading on e-book readers also declined from 26.8 percent in 2022 to 25.3 percent in 2023, but those using tablet computers to read grew from 21.3 percent in 2022 to 22.5 percent. 

Besides, audio and video books became increasingly popular among adults in 2023.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.How long did Chinese adults read a day on average in 2022?

A For 23 min and 23 sec.

B For 23 min and 8 sec.

C For 105 min 23 sec.

D For 106 min 52 sec.

解析:选B。B数字计算题。根据第二段中的“Adults read for an average of just under 23 minutes and 23 seconds a day last year, 15 seconds more than in 2022.”可知,去年中国成年人平均每天阅读时间不到23分23秒,比2022年多了15秒,即2022年每天平均读23分8秒。故选B。

2.Which of the following figures has dropped?

A The number of people reading on digital devices.

B The time Chinese people spent on mobile phones.

C The average number of paper books people read.

D The percent of Chinese grown-ups who read books.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“people read fewer paper books. In 2023, Chinese adults read an average of 4.75 paper books and 3.40 electronic books. In comparison, the figures in 2022 were 4.78 and 3.33, respectively.”可知,读纸质书的人变少了。故选C。

3.What will be talked about in the following paragraph?

A The time when people watched video books.

B Reasons why adults liked audio and video books.

C Where people liked audio and video books best.

D Data about people choosing audio and video books.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Besides, audio and video books became increasingly popular among adults in 2023.”此外,2023年,音频和视频书籍在成年人中越来越受欢迎。结合上文中出现的大量数据,可知接下来作者可能会列举关于人们听音频书和观看视频书籍的相关数据。故选D。

4.What can we know from the text?

A Reading brought more fun.

B People tend to read less.

C China is facing a reading crisis.

D Chinese people read more last year.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要介绍中国新闻出版研究院发布的关于中国国民2023年的阅读调查结果。结合全文数据可知,中国人2023年的阅读量增加了。故选D。