英国导盲犬狗爸爸光荣退休 生育300多只导盲犬
英国导盲犬狗爸爸光荣退休 生育300多只导盲犬

Trigger is a guide dog. Guide dogs help blind people every day. 

He is working for a guide dog charity, named Banbury Guide Dog Charity. He is finishing his work as a breeding dog and has become the father of 323 puppies. Banbury Guide Dog Charity thanks Trigger very much for his hard work.
His final litter (窝) of puppies is now eight weeks old. They have started their own training to become guide dogs. And his puppies are now helping people all over the UK, and some were even born in France and the Netherlands. 
Trigger is nine years old. He is going to his new home, the Sarah’s home. She has been looking after him for the past seven years. After all his work, he will now get to enjoy a relaxing time at home with Sarah. 

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1.What does the underlined word “breeding” mean in Chinese?

A 导盲.

B 消防.

C 繁殖.

D 宠物.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据第二段划线单词后文的“and has become the father of 323 puppies”可知,Trigger是一只“生育犬”。故选C。

2.When did Trigger have his last litter of babies?

A Eight months ago.

B Two months ago.

C One and a half months ago.

D Eight days ago.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“His final litter (窝) of puppies is now eight weeks old.”他的最后一窝小狗已经八周大了。可知,他于八周前生育了最后一窝狗狗。故选B。

3.Where CAN’T we find Trigger’s puppies?

A In France.

B In Canada.

C In the UK.

D In the Netherlands.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的“over the UK, and some were even born in France and the Netherlands.”可知,在英国、法国和荷兰可以看到Trigger的后代。未提及加拿大。故选B。

4.Trigger and Sarah have been together for ______.

A nine years

B seven years

C eight years

D six years

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段的“She has been looking after him for the past seven years.”可是,Sarah已经照顾Trigger七年了,即他们在一起已经七年了。故选B。

5. Trigger will have a ______ life.

A relaxing

B boring

C hard

D terrible

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据最后一段的“he will now get to enjoy a relaxing time at home with Sarah”可知,Trigger将过一种轻松的生活。故选A。