
Before turning 13, Sophie McGarva took lots of junk food and snacks. When she was in middle school, as she was not really into sports and was eating a lot of bad food, she reached almost 90kg.

Her classmates often made fun of her. She reported it to teachers, but that didn’t work. In the beginning, she was never too worried, although it was a time when students cared about their looks and all the girls around her were really slim. But after one year, a few girls laughed at her because of her size and did terrible things. She then decided to make a change to prove everyone wrong. She began watching her diet and exercising more.
She started to learn dancing, go swimming and ice-skating. After lots of hard work, she lost nearly 22kg. Sophie now is 21 years old. She became one of the 44 women to make it through to the Miss England national finals last weekend. The student now stays in shape by going to the gym three times a week.
At school, Sophie was easily influenced. She was often taught by those around her that beauty was only the reflection in the mirror. But after she lost weight, she came to know that it was not true. She joined the Miss England to challenge herself. She wanted to become more confident and to make her younger self proud. Now she made it.

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1.Sophie became fat mainly because ________.

A she didn’t find the right sports

B she had too much junk food

C she was sick and unhealthy

D she was laughed by others

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“took lots of junk food and snacks”“was eating a lot of bad food”可知,索菲在中学时期变得超重主要是因为吃太多垃圾食品。故选B。

2.What made Sophie change her mind?

A Terrible things done by others.

B Getting no help from teachers.

C Other girls’ being very slim.

D Her no caring about beauty.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段的“But after one year, a few girls laughed at her because of her size and did terrible things. She then decided to make a change”一年后,一些女孩因为她的身材而嘲笑她,并且做了一些糟糕的事情,然后她才决定作出改变。故选A。

3.How much does Sophie weigh now?

A 90kg.

B 68kg.

C 136kg.

D 22kg.

解析:选B。B数字计算题。根据第一段的“she reached almost 90kg”和第三段的“she lost nearly 22kg”可知,索菲现在(90-22=)68公斤。故选B。

4.How does Sophie keep in shape now?

A By learning dancing.

B By going swimming.

C By going ice-skating.

D By going to the gym.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“The student now stays in shape by going to the gym three times a week.”可知索菲现在靠每周去三次健身房保持身材。故选D。

5.What does Sophie’s weight loss bring her?

A Peace.

B Health.

C Confidence.

D Happiness.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段的“She wanted to become more confident and to make her younger self proud. Now she made it.”她想变得更加自信,让年轻时的自己感到骄傲。现在她成功了。由此可知,减肥确实让她变得更自信了。故选C。