
A savings goal should include what you want to buy, how much you need to save, when you need to have it by, and how you plan to save. Savings goals, like other goals, can be short-term or long-term. To achieve your savings goal, you may have to decide not to spend your money on other things along the way. 

Having a savings goal helps you plan for the things you want. If you don’t have anything specific in mind right now, you can still set a savings goal to help you have the money when you do.
Isabella, a fourth grader, loves to play basketball. She is on a team that plays once a week. She wants to go to basketball camp next summer, but her parents said she had to earn (挣) the money to go. Isabella’s goal is to save $100 by next summer. Isabella has a plan to clean leaves this fall and remove snow from sidewalks in the winter for the people in her neighborhood to earn the money. She has nine months, so she needs to earn about $23 a month to reach her savings goal. With her parents’ permission, she starts to let her neighbors know she is ready to work.
Noah, a fifth grader, is interested in music. He would like to buy an electric guitar. It’s sold for $150. Noah got $25 for his birthday, but still needs $125 more to buy it. He makes $25 a week by walking his neighbors’ dogs and dog sitting after school and on weekends. If he continues to walk his neighbors’ dogs, he will be able to save enough money to buy the guitar in just a few weeks.
It really helps to think about what is important to you, so you can set a savings goal that you want to accomplish. Don’t forget to keep that hard-earned savings in a bank account so you can keep it safe and watch it grow!

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1.A savings goal should _______.

A last for a long time

B show the saving reasons

C cover the quality of money

D be simple and easy to finish

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“should include what you want to buy, how much you need to save, when you need to have it by”应该包括你想买什么(存钱原因),需要多少钱,什么时候需要,“can be short-term or long-term”可以是长期的,也可以是短期的。故选B。

2.What will Isabella do to make money?

A Play basketball.

B Do chores.

C Clean snow.

D Plant trees.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段的“Isabella has a plan to clean leaves this fall and remove snow from sidewalks”可知伊利贝拉计划通过清理树叶和清除积雪来赚钱。故选C。

3.How long will Noah take to finish his goal?

A One and a half months.

B Nine weeks.

C One month.

D Five weeks.

解析:选D。D数字计算题。根据第四段“but still needs $125 more to buy it. He makes $25 a week”可知诺亚还需要125美元,而他每周挣25美元,则还需要5周。故选D。

4.What’s the author’s advice for property safety?

A Save a little each month.

B Make more money.

C Keep it in the bank.

D Use it responsibly.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段“Don’t forget to keep that hard-earned savings in a bank account so you can keep it safe and watch it grow!”可知作者建议把赚的钱存入银行,这样就可以安全保管,并看着它增值。故选C。