
The small town of North Rustico lies on the northern shore of Prince Edward Island in Canada, where neighbors are always sure to greet one another as they go about their day. And that sense of warmth is likely to spread to and affect others.

One day a few months back, local resident Lisa Sandoval was walking near the water front when she heard somebody speak to her. “I heard someone call out to me, ‘Hello! Hello!” Sandoval recalled. “I turned around and no one was there. Then I heard the voice again. ‘Hello! Hello!’ I got a little scared, then thought to myself, ‘Am I hearing things?’” It was then that Sandoval noticed the only other living thing around was a crow (乌鸦) nearby. “I stopped and said, ‘Hello?’” Sandoval continued. “And to my shock, he answered me back. ‘Hello! Hello!’”

Sandoval later came to learn that she wasn’t the only one in town to have met the talking crow. Rumor (谣言) has it, years earlier, the bird had been found hurt as a baby and nursed back to health by an elderly man living nearby, who often spoke to him. “He let the crow go free when he was well,” Sandoval said. “That bird had learned to say hello.”

A few months after their initial meeting, Sandoval met the talking crow yet again. Sandoval calls him the Hello Crow.

Crows can learn to mimic human language. So, if the rumors of his story are true, his vocalizations (发声) may very well reflect the voice of the elderly man who’d saved him.

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1.What are people like in the town of North Rustico?

A They are rude.

B They are lonely.

C They are polite.

D They are friendly.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段的“where neighbors are always sure to greet one another as they go about their day. And that sense of warmth...”可知,邻居们总是会互相问候,有一种温暖的感觉。由此可知这个小镇的人们很友好。故选D。

2.How did Sandoval feel when she found the crow calling out?

A She felt scared.

B She felt nervous.

C She felt angry.

D She felt surprised.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Sandoval noticed the only other living thing around was a crow (乌鸦) nearby”以及“And to my shock, he answered me back. ‘Hello! Hello!’”可知,当桑多瓦尔发现是一只乌鸦在讲话时,她感到非常吃惊。选D。

3.Who was said to have taught the crow to say hello?

A Another crow.

B A baby.

C An old man.

D A woman living nearby.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“years earlier, the bird had been found hurt as a baby and nursed back to health by an elderly man living nearby, who often spoke to him.”传言称,几年前,这只鸟在婴儿时期受伤,住在附近的一位老人照顾了它,并经常和它说话。故选C。

4.What does the underlined word “initial” mean?

A Clear.

B First.

C Usual.

D Planned.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。结合前文内容以及划线词后文“Sandoval met the talking crow yet again”可知,前文描述的是桑多瓦尔和这只乌鸦的第一次相遇。故选B。

5.What’s the passage mainly about?

A A scared woman.

B A talking crow.

C A kind elderly man.

D A funny rumor.

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。本文围绕一个女人遇到一只会讲人话的乌鸦展开。故选B。