
Rowan Brannan is a 12-year-old boy. One day, he was with his mother Amanda walking the dog in a field in Sussex, England. Suddenly, he saw something. It was covered with soil. He picked the piece up and bought it home.

“Rowan has always been into finding all kinds of pieces. He’s very adventurous and is always picking things up off the ground,” said his mom. “I’m forever saying ‘put it down — it’s dirty’.” “It was just normal to me, because I pick up a lot of things that I probably shouldn’t,” said the boy.

Rowan held it. The more he kept holding the piece of metal, the more he believed that it could be actual gold. He tried to tell whether it was real gold. But there was no result.

Rowan and his mother didn’t realize just how lucky Rowan’s discovery was until a hairdresser (理发师) came to their house. She told the pair that she was going on a metal searching group trip, which reminded Rowan to show her the metal he had found. She took a photo of the piece and showed it to the leader of the group. He said it looked old and recommended they get in touch with the British Finds Officer.

Amanda said the piece has gone through the examination. After much study, officials told the boy that he’d uncovered an “very, very rare” Roman bracelet. It was older than 2,000 years. The British Museum said so too. The family was told it belongs to the nation.

“It’s been really fascinating. We have learned so many things. It’s like, ‘Wow, imagine who wore that’. We’ve had a piece of history in our house.” said the boy.

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1.Amanda thinks Rowan ________.

A is full of energy

B is lazy and dirty

C cares for the environment

D enjoys new and exciting things

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“He’s very adventurous and is always picking things up off the ground”可知,罗恩的妈妈认为他是个有冒险精神的人,即喜欢新鲜刺激的事物。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “it” in Para. 3 refer to?

A The dog.

B The metal.

C The ground.

D The soil.

解析:选B。B词意指代题。根据划线单词后文的“The more he kept holding the piece of metal”可知,此处的it指代的是小男孩捡到的那片金属。故选B。

3.Who reminded Rowan communicate with the British Finds Officer?

A Amanda.

B A hairdresser.

C A group leader.

D An officer.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段后面部分中的“showed it to the leader of the group. He said it looked old and recommended they get in touch with the British Finds Officer.”可知,那个寻宝小组的领队人建议罗恩联系British Finds Officer。故选C。

4.What will probably be the ending of the metal?

A It will be kept by Rowan.

B Rowan will give it to the nation.

C Amanda will put it in the soil.

D It will be given to the old owner’s family.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“The family was told it belongs to the nation.”这家人被告知它属于国家。由此推断,他们最终应该会把捡到的金属片上交国家。故选B。

5.How did Rowan feel about the finding?

A Excited.

B Worried.

C Surprised.

D Unhappy.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据最后一段中的关键词句“really fascinating”“Wow”等可知,罗恩感到很兴奋。故选A。