
What do you do if you have an island filled with goats? Well, one such place off the coast of Sicily has decided to give them away for free! The mayor (市长) of the Italian island of Alicudi decided to act after finding that there were six times as many goats as people. These creatures have been causing trouble, breaking into gardens and homes!
Wild goats have lived in Alicudi for years, and spent most of their time on the island’s mountains and cliffs before. However, as their population has grown, they have started to come down to where people live. The goats have been acting badly. They eat plants and fruits growing at head height in the gardens. They’ve also been knocking down parts of walls — and even walking into people’s homes!
As a result the mayor of the island, Riccardo Gullo, has decided to give some of the goats away to people living on other islands. Mr Gullo said that people have already been asking about taking the goats. He said: “There is a farmer on Vulcano Island who would like to take several goats as he makes a popular cheese.” The mayor wants fewer goats on Alicudi Island, so it’s easier to control them.
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1.Why does the writer ask the question in Paragraph 1?

A To make the passage fun.

B To draw our attention.

C To introduce a goat to us.

D To bring up the topic.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段问句后面的“Well, one such place off the coast of Sicily has decided to give them away for free!”可知文章以提问如果你有一个满是山羊的岛,你会怎么办引出本文的话题:山羊泛滥成灾,意大利小岛出招:开放领养。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “creatures” refer to?

A Islands.

B People.

C Goats.

D Gardens.


3.Why don’t the goats live in the mountains now?

A Because there is more rain in the mountains.

B Because they don’t like mountains.

C Because the goats want to find a home.

D Because there are more goats.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段的“as their population has grown, they have started to come down into where people live.”可知,山羊开始侵入居民生活区是因为山羊数量越来越多。故选D。

4.How does the mayor cut down the number of goats?

A By selling them.

B By giving them away.

C By killing them.

D By lending them.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“As a result the mayor of the island, Riccardo Gullo, has decided to give some of the goats away to people living on other islands.”可知,市长决定把山羊送给其他岛上的居民。故选B。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a newspaper.

B In a story book.

C In a travel guide.

D In a science magazine.
