
The United Kingdom (UK) Antarctic Heritage Trust wants to find five people to work at the “Penguin Post Office” in Port Lockroy, Antarctica. They need a group head, a shop manager, and three helpers. The work lasts for five months, from November 2024 to March 2025, and is for healthy UK residents (居民) over 18 years old.

Workers need to deal with over 80,000 letters and postcards sent by the 18,000 tourists who visit the post office each summer. They will also help sell stamps, run the gift shop, and take care of the old building. But their main task is to watch over Port Lockroy’s about 1,500 penguins.
For those who want to apply for the jobs, it’s important to know that the condition is  △   . Even in summer, temperatures can drop to as low as -5℃. All the five workers will live in one room with a very small kitchen. There’s no flushing toilet; instead, they will use a camping toilet that needs to be cleaned every day. 
There’s almost no phone and Internet. And there is no running water. Ships bring water in cans and offer showers every few days. But bad weather might mean no showers for a while. If someone gets sick, it could take up to a week to get them to the closest hospital in Argentina. And they’ll have to deal with the smell of penguin poop (大便) for five months!
Even though there are many challenges, the jobs, which open up every summer, receive thousands of applications (申请) each year. Camilla Nichol, the Trust’s CEO, says it’s no surprise. She believes that the jobs allow people to experience amazing nature where important findings have been made about our planet.  
奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Who can get the job?

A Andy, an American shop head.

B Bobby, a high school student.

C Julianne, a UK English teacher.

D Aaron, an adult with heart disease.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句的“and is for healthy UK residents (居民) over 18 years old.”可知,该次招聘是针对健康的英国成年居民的。故选C。

2.Workers do NOT need to _______.

A do with postcards

B sell stamps and gifts

C look after the building

D clean the penguins

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段关键词句“deal with over 80,000 letters and postcards”“sell stamps, run the gift shop, and take care of the old building”“watch over ... penguins”处理信件和明信片、卖邮票、经营礼品店、维护当地的建筑、照看企鹅。可知,并未提及清洗企鹅。故选D。

3.Which word can be put back into △ ?

A poor

B clean

C good

D dangerous

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第三段后文的“as low as -5℃”“in one room with a very small kitchen”“a camping toilet that needs to be cleaned every day”温度零下5度、五个人住一间房、一个很小的厨房、一个需要每天清理的露营马桶,可知,条件艰苦。故选A。

4.What can we know about the working place?

A The weather there is bad.

B There is no ship.

C There is no sun.

D There is no hospital.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“If someone gets sick, it could take up to a week to get them to the closest hospital in Argentina.”如果有人生病了,可能需要一周的时间才能把他们送到最近的位于阿根廷的医院。由此可推知,该地没有医院。故选D。

5.Many people want the jobs for _______.

A the high pay

B the special experience

C the cold weather

D the important findings

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段的“the jobs allow people to experience amazing nature”这些工作可以让人们体验神奇的大自然,可知,很多人向往这样的工作是因为它们提供一些特殊的经历。故选B。