
Since very young, I’ve always given whatever I could afford to people who asked for it. But an exception was that when I was living in San Francisco, I came across a homeless guy begging for cash to get tobacco.

He had tears in his eyes and it seemed like he was going to die. Of course he wouldn’t, but I guess I appreciated his honesty and the expression in his eyes really moved me. I pulled out my wallet, but I only had $20 bills from an ATM. I was a near-broke college student. But too bad he already saw me pull my wallet out. So I handed him a 20 and made him promise me he’d also get something to eat.  

Then I walked off to a bus stop and waited with a group of people. Next thing I knew, he found me at the stop smoking a cigarette happily, pointed and yelled, “I’d die in a fire for you! I would!” Everyone at the bus stop stared at me as he walked away. I just smiled, and it totally made my day and I will never forget his face.

You never know what your act will lead them to do. One guy used the money to buy calling cards to call family. A nice mother went into an Internet cafe with whatever cash I had to look for jobs online. The point is, an act of kindness toward anyone can seem like no big deal to you and cost you nearly nothing. But I believe in the effects it can have on people, that hopefully they still have faith in humanity. It’s this interaction that is more valuable than money and may save some from living in solitude, depression, crime, poverty, or addiction. Maybe that’s a big impossible dream, but if it’s no big deal to you, then why not help out a little?

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What can we learn about the author from the first paragraph?

A He hardly carries cash with him.

B He always cares and gives.

C He hates homeless guys.

D He is one of the smokers.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第一段第一句中的“I’ve always given whatever I could afford to people who asked for it”我总是把我能负担得起的东西给那些有需要的人,可知作者总是关心他人,乐善好施。故选B。

2.What did the author think of the homeless man?

A He was dying.

B He was lazy.

C He was sincere.

D He was bad.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中的“I appreciated his honesty and the expression in his eyes really moved me”我欣赏他的诚实,他眼中的表情真的打动了我,可知作者认为这个流浪汉很真诚。故选C。

3.What did the homeless man mean by saying the underlined sentences?

A He appreciated the author.

B He needed more money.

C He would quit smoking.

D He hoped to meet the author again.

解析:选A。A 句意理解题。结合前文内容,作者给了这个流浪汉20元钱;再结合本段最后一句“I just smiled, and it totally made my day and I will never forget his face.”我只是笑了笑,这让我很开心,我永远不会忘记他的脸,可知流浪汉得到作者的帮助后,他感谢作者。该划线句子表示的含义是“我愿意为你赴汤蹈火”。故选A。

4.What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?

A Not all dreams can be achieved.

B Just ignore where your money will go.

C Good comes back to you sooner or later.

D Acts of kindness matter more than money.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的关键句“The point is, an act of kindness toward anyone ... hopefully they still have faith in humanity. It’s this interaction that is more valuable than money and may save some from living in solitude, depression, crime, poverty, or addiction.”关键点在于,你做的善行能够让人们仍然相信人性,这种互动比金钱更有价值,可以使一些人免于孤独、抑郁、犯罪、贫穷或成瘾。由此可知,作者在最后一段想告诉我们,善行比金钱更有价值。故选D。