猫妈妈痛失幼崽 温暖守护人类婴儿
猫妈妈痛失幼崽 温暖守护人类婴儿

Callie is a cat. She became a mother in 2021, but her kittens all died shortly after they were born. From then on, Callie became aggressive. She would bite people if they tried touching her, and she was always searching for her babies.

In August of the same year, Julia Stuller adopted (收养) her and a kitten and brought them home to her other six cats. The new cat was showing slow signs of progress — but she really changed when Julia fell pregnant (怀孕的).

Callie became interested in staying with her new owners during the pregnancy. As soon as Julia brought home her daughter, Emma, from hospital, the cat fell in love with the baby. Callie continued to love and protect Emma as she grew older. She would often spend time in the nursery (婴儿室) to watch over the baby. And while Julia didn’t let her sleep with Emma “for safety reasons,” Callie was always allowed to stay with her before bedtime.

“She was no longer aggressive,” Julia said. “And she became such a sweet cat. It was like she thought our daughter was a kitten, so she’d lick her, comfort her, and come to her cries like a mother would. She helped me raise my daughter.”

Emma will be two years old in July 2024, and she and her cat are still best friends. 

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1.What does the underlined word “aggressive” mean in Chinese?

A 好斗的.

B 善良的.

C 吵闹的.

D 独立的.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据划线词后文“She would bite people if they tried touching her”如果有人想碰她,她就会咬人,可知,这只猫变得“好斗”。故选A。

2.How many cats did Julia have at home in August 2021?

A Two.

B Four.

C Six.

D Eight.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“In August of the same year, Julia Stuller adopted (收养) her and a kitten and brought them home to her other six cats.”同年8月,茱莉亚·斯图勒收养了考利和一只小猫,并把它们带回家和她的其他六只猫在一起,即茱莉亚家里就有了8只猫。故选D。

3.Why didn’t Julia allow Callie to sleep with Emma?

A Callie was too noisy.

B Callie might hurt Emma.

C Emma grew too slowly.

D Emma didn’t like Callie.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“And while Julia didn’t let her sleep with Emma ‘for safety reasons,’”茱莉亚“出于安全考虑”不让猫和艾玛睡在一起,即茱莉亚认为猫可能会伤害到艾玛。故选B。

4.What wouldn’t Callie do?

A Lick Emma.

B Comfort Emma.

C Make Emma cry.

D Watch over Emma.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“watch over the baby”以及第四段中的“she’d lick her, comfort her, and come to her cries like a mother would”可知,考利会照看艾玛,舔她,安慰她,还会在艾玛哭的时候像一个母亲那样走过去看艾玛。并未提及考利把艾玛弄哭。故选C。

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A A cat looked for her babies.

B A cat liked her new owners.

C A cat wanted to be a mother.

D A cat helped raise the owner’s baby.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。结合全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了一只名叫考利的猫,被新主人收养回家,新主人家的婴儿出生后,这只猫帮忙照看婴儿的相关情况。故选D。