餐厅老板连续接到神秘电话 寻找“薯条女孩”温馨告终
餐厅老板连续接到神秘电话 寻找“薯条女孩”温馨告终

Somer Williams, the owner of a restaurant in Oklahoma, found herself at the center of an unexpected series of events. What happened?

“It was last Monday when I picked up the phone at the restaurant,” Williams recalled in an interview. “A voice that sounded like it came from a very young child asked me if she could have some French fries,” she added. “I told her I was glad to help but needed to speak to an adult — the voice told me a parent was not close by.” Day after day, the calls came. Eventually, more young voices had joined the French Fry girl on the phone. The persistent calls made Williams take action. She turned to social media, hoping to find out the mystery behind the mysterious callers.

“I posted on Facebook trying to figure out who was on the other end of the line,” Williams explained. Little did she know, her posts would become popular, drawing attention from people across the globe who eagerly followed the unfolding story. Later, Williams came up with a clever plan to get information during the next call. “I’m going to give a French fry party to your school if I can talk to your mom,” she said to the persistent callers. However, the children remained elusive, with one even posing as a parent during the conversation.

Not discouraged, Williams found a crucial clue — the name of their dog, Beethoven. With this information in hand, she started a mission, contacting nearby elementary schools in search of the French fry lovers. Finally, the breakthrough came when Katherine I Daily Elementary identified the hungry callers: Emily, Miley, and Linda. 

On March 26, 2024, the much-anticipated French fry parties became a reality, as the three friends celebrated with their classmates, thanks to Williams’ determination and the collaborative (合作的) spirit of the community. “It was really fun trying to find them,” Williams said. “I did not know it would go so worldwide.”

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1.What caused the unexpected series of events to begin?

A A special request from parents.

B A post on the social media.

C A French fry party.

D Persistent calls from children.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Day after day, the calls came. Eventually, more young voices had joined the French Fry girl on the phone. The persistent calls made Williams take action.”可知,餐馆老板发现自己被孩子们不断打来的电话困扰,于是她采取了行动。故选D。

2.What does the underlined word “elusive” in Para. 3 mean?

A Difficult to detect.

B Impossible to control.

C Reasonable to understand.

D Convenient to identify.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据第三段第一句“I posted on Facebook trying to figure out who was on the other end of the line”可知,威廉姆斯求助于社交媒体试图弄清楚电话的另一端是谁;再结合划线词前面的“However”可知,威廉姆斯那时仍然无法得知这些孩子的信息。故选A。

3.Which question can you find the answer to in the passage?

A When did Williams find the crucial clue?

B How did Williams find the hungry callers?

C Why did Emily, Miley, and Linda hide?

D What did Williams say to Emily’s parents?


4.Which word can best describe Williams?

A Serious.

B Humorous.

C Determined.

D Impatient.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,威廉姆斯连续接到神秘来电,并一直想办法最终找到了这些挨饿的来电者,还为这些孩子办了薯条派对。再结合最后一段中的关键词“Williams’ determination”可知,威廉姆斯是非常坚定的。故选C。