成都“迪士尼”爆火 打卡者排队体验
成都“迪士尼”爆火 打卡者排队体验

Recently, the hashtag “Chengdu Disney” caused considerable curiosity and discussion among netizens. However, the talk was not about a new theme park, but rather a surprising turn of events involving Yu Lin Seventh Alley, a modest community fitness area in Chengdu’s Wuhou district that became popular because of a music video by rapper Nuomi.

A netizen posted a video of people gathered around the fitness equipment, taking turns posing and taking photos. Some even sang the song’s lyrics while using the equipment. The location became popular as the backdrop for Nuomi’s diss track against Xie Di, a judge who denied Nuomi a pass at The Rap of China 2024. Xie’s decision upset Nuomi, who claimed he misunderstood the rap song, which was for his grandfather rather than his grandmother. Xie’s suggestion to treat rap as a hobby also drew him away from his dreams of becoming a rapper. Nuomi composed a diss song for Xie with the refrain (副歌), “Xie Di, Xie Di, I want to diss you.” According to the Chinese pronunciation, it is similar to “Xie Di, I want Disney.” The region gained the nickname “Chengdu Disney” as a result of this humorous misunderstanding, drawing hundreds of visitors eager to capture the moment.

Many visitors said that the popular videos drew them to the area. Some visitors made special trips before leaving Chengdu, anxious to share their experience on social media and stay current with the trendy topic.

However, the influx (涌进) of young visitors perplexed the community’s elderly residents. They find it unusual and annoying that so many people would line up to ride a see-saw machine. Nuomi appealed to his supporters on social media to be respectful and not disturb the residents.

On April 6, staff have been arranged to limit the flow to maintain order. The officers said that they had received dozens of complaints from locals and planned to continue restricting entry to maintain community peace. Authorities had hired people to monitor access to the equipment, allowing for orderly photography but banning loud singing.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2?

A Provide some advice for the visitors.

B Add some background information.

C Introduce a new topic for discussion.

D Summarize the previous paragraphs.


2.What does the underlined word “perplexed” mean?

A Confused.

B Supervised.

C Pleased.

D Arrested.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线部分后面的“They find it unusual and annoying that so many people would line up to ride a see-saw machine.”可知,由于大量人员在此聚集,引发当地居民不满,认为其噪音扰民,因此这些人的打卡使住在那里的老人感到困惑。故选A。

3.What can we infer about the visitors’ arriving in large numbers?

A They are supervised.

B They are praised.

C They are prevented.

D They are criticized.


4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A Nuomi will be the new judge at The Rap of China 2024.

B Chengdu would be the next city to host the magical kingdom.

C Rapper appealed to supporters to use fitness equipment silently.

D Community fitness center’s viral ascent to fame as “Chengdu Disney”.
