旅韩“福宝”顺利回国 入住四川卧龙神树坪基地
旅韩“福宝”顺利回国 入住四川卧龙神树坪基地

Giant panda Fu Bao arrived at Chengdu on Wednesday night from South Korea, with large screens in Chengdu, Chongqing, and Beijing lit up to welcome her home. The panda is in good health and will be subject to a month-long quarantine (隔离) period until it meets the public again.
In order to welcome Fu Bao back home, the Shenshuping giant panda base under the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Panda (CCRCGP) started preparations early. Currently, the center has prepared an enclosure, built multiple work teams, and carefully established an animal care team including two experienced keepers. A special seasonal “menu” including fresh bamboo shoots and arrow bamboo shoots has also been specially prepared.
In order to help Fu Bao re-adapt to life in her hometown Sichuan, during the one-month quarantine period, two Chinese keepers will remain on call. They will also help the panda surmount a “language barrier” after returning to China — learning to understand Chinese, especially Sichuan dialect. The CCRCGP will also officially assign a chief keeper for Fu Bao based on her preferences towards the two current keepers.
The mating (交配) season for giant pandas mainly takes place during spring, and currently, Fu Bao has not shown any signs of mating behavior. Experts believe that Fu Bao will not be involved in breeding research this year. Many suggest that the “mating” of Fu Bao may have to wait until the following year or the year after. As for when Fu Bao can be seen by the Sichuan public, expert Zeng Wen from the center said that it is difficult to estimate at the moment. Based on past experiences, the adaptation period for returning giant pandas can range from 1-2 months to 7-8 months, or even longer.

Born in July 2020, Fu Bao is the first giant panda born in South Korea and a successful example of overseas breeding through online guidance for natural conception by experts at the giant panda center. Since the 1990s, China has collaborated on giant panda conservation with 26 institutions in 20 countries. There are currently 49 giant pandas abroad.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Preparations in Shenshuping giant panda base don’t include ___________.

A an enclosure

B large screens

C panda keepers

D bamboo food

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句“Currently, the center has prepared an enclosure, built multiple work teams, and carefully established an animal care team including two experienced keepers. A special seasonal ‘menu’ including fresh bamboo shoots and arrow bamboo shoots has also been specially prepared.”可知,神树坪大熊猫基地提前做好了迎接福宝的准备,包括准备了一个兽舍、组建了多个工作团队、组建了包括两名经验丰富的饲养员在内的动物护理团队,还特别准备了新鲜的竹笋和箭竹笋,并不包括大屏幕。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “surmount” probably mean?

A Overcome.

B Discover.

C Check.

D Distinguish.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据划线词后面的内容“learning to understand Chinese, especially Sichuan dialect”学习听懂中文,特别是四川方言,可知,中方的饲养员将帮助从韩国返回的福宝“克服”语言障碍。故选A。

3.What can we know from the fourth paragraph?

A Fu Bao will most likely be pregnant this year.

B All giant pandas have poor adaptability.

C It’s unclear when Fu Bao can meet the public.

D Fu Bao can adapt quickly to the new environment.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“As for when Fu Bao can be seen by the Sichuan public, expert Zeng Wen from the center said that it is difficult to estimate at the moment.”可知,目前还很难估计福宝将于什么时候与公众见面。故选C。

4.Where can we most probably read this passage?

A On a research paper.

B On a science report.

C On a medical journal.

D On a news website.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了从韩国返回中国四川的大熊猫福宝回国后的相关情况,并结合选项可知,本文最有可能来自一个新闻网站。故选D。