
Dear Tom, 

I’m really sorry that I lost your book. I realize I should have been more careful because you trusted me with it and I know you love your How To Train Your Dragon books. You must be feeling sad and angry. Next time I will be very careful. And, mom and I are going to the bookshop tomorrow to buy you a new copy. Will you forgive me?
Dear Mr. Jones,
I would like to apologize for hitting your car with my baseball when I was playing with my friend, Dylan. This was wrong because it broke your car door and scared you too. I am sure it made you feel super mad and upset with me. Next time, I will make the better choice to not to play so close to your car and I will pay to fix your car door. I’m sorry for my actions. 
Dear Amy,
I hope you’re keeping safe! I apologize for not making it to your birthday party. I was under a lot of pressure at study, and it completely slipped out of my mind. I would never deliberately (故意地) miss my best friend’s birthday. I hope you know I’m really sorry as I write you this letter to ask for your forgiveness and hope you like the present I sent along with this letter. Let’s catch up over the weekend!
Your friend,

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1.What did Sarah do?

A She bought a new book.

B She lost a book.

C She went shopping.

D She missed a birthday.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句“I’m really sorry that I lost your book.”可知萨拉把汤姆的书弄丢了。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “apologize” mean?

A Say hello.

B Say thanks.

C Say goodnight.

D Say sorry.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句“I’m sorry for my actions.”可知这是一封道歉信,目的是“道歉”。故选D。

3.What will Kelly do next?

A Fix the car.

B Go to visit Mr. Jones.

C Buy a new car.

D Play baseball at home.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句的“I will pay to fix your car door”可知凯丽将协助把车修好。故选A。

4.Why did Alice miss Amy’s birthday party?

A She was busy.

B She was sad.

C She was stressed.

D She was weak.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段第三句的“I was under a lot of pressure at study”可知爱丽丝错过艾米的生日聚会是因为当时她学习压力太大,搞忘了。故选C。

5. In which unit of a textbook can the text be found?

A Unit 1 School Life

B Unit 2 Friends Forever

C Unit 3 Sorry Letters

D Unit 4 Sports and Hobbies

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,文章包含三封道歉信。故选C。