
Everyone can learn, but being a great student doesn’t always come naturally to everyone. Or maybe it did for you, but that was back in your high school days. Now, as an adult student or learner, you seem to have lost touch with your ability to study effectively, and you just can’t seem to reconnect. Do you want to get more out of your study efforts but struggle to find ways to be a better learner? Having the right tips and tricks can make all the difference, so keep reading for inspiration so that you, too, can discover how to be a better learner!

Stay Curious and Ask Questions. Numerous studies show that curiosity prepares the brain, making it more receptive to learning. This means that when you arouse your curiosity and actively start asking questions, it helps you better remember information. Just reading passively probably won’t help you much in better understanding the subject matter. But having a sense of curiosity about the topic at hand and asking insightful questions will. 

Seek Out Practical Experience. I’m sure you can recall events where learning-by-doing helped you better memorize theoretical information. Take learning another language, for example. You can read all the books and attend all the lessons, but nothing beats actually speaking the new language. Practical experience also teaches you some valuable soft skills, such as discipline and perseverance — two character strengths that will optimize your learning. 

Ask For Feedback. Lack of confidence and fear of criticism are just a couple of reasons why humans don’t always welcome feedback. But take a moment to think about it. Wouldn’t it be helpful to hear where you’re winning and what you can be doing better? Feedback can be a great indicator of whether you’re on the right learning path. It leads to improved learning outcomes and supports you in achieving your desired learning goal. So go ahead and ask for some feedback! Remember, it can only make you better. 

Learning how to be a better learner requires commitment. Now, work the tips into your daily routine, and give your learning ability a massive upgrade!

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.How does the author introduce the topic?

A By giving an example.

B By making a comparison.

C By providing data.

D By raising a question.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句,特别是“Do you want to get more out of your study efforts but struggle to find ways to be a better learner?”可知,作者用提问的方式引出话题。故选D。

2.Curiosity plays an important role in ________.

A memorizing

B reviewing

C practising

D analyzing

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段的“This means that when you arouse your curiosity and actively start asking questions, it helps you better remember information.”当你唤醒你的好奇心并积极地开始问问题时,你能更好地记住信息,即可以帮助记忆。故选A。

3.Why does the author use the example of learning another language?

A To introduce the right way to practice.

B To prove that old memory helps learning.

C To explain how learning trains our minds.

D To show the advantage of practical experience.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段第一、二句“Seek Out Practical Experience. I’m sure you can recall events where learning-by-doing helped you better memorize theoretical information.”可知,该段讲的是通过实际的经验来让学习更有效,在实践中学习能帮助我们更好地记忆。紧接着后面给出学习外语作为例子,就是为了进行论证,具体展示实践中学习的好处。故选D。

4.What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?

A Experience is the best teacher.

B Learn from your mistakes.

C Ask others for advice on your learning.

D East or west, home is best.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第四段的“Ask For Feedback.”“criticism”“to hear where you’re winning and what you can be doing better”可知作者鼓励我们寻求反馈,即要关注他人的看法。C项“征求别人对你学习的建议”最符合文意。故选C。