“小短腿”也能当警犬 全国首只柯基警犬亮相
“小短腿”也能当警犬 全国首只柯基警犬亮相

Fu Zai is a six-month-old corgi (柯基犬). He is being trained to become the first corgi to work as a police dog in China. Recently, he made his first public appearance at the open day of a police camp in Weifang, Shandong province.

Most people think that corgis cannot join the police force because of their “little short legs”. Fu Zai’s appearance challenges the opinion. Fu Zai has become popular online thanks to his cute smile, special short legs and excellent abilities.

As a reserve (预备队员) police dog, Fu Zai faces a large amount of work. Training, scheduled for every morning and afternoon, includes many subjects, such as obedience exercises, bomb (炸弹) searches and scent tracking. He began training when he was two months old and has stood out and did better than many of his peers.

According to Wang Yanan, head of the police dog base at the Weifang public security bureau, Fu Zai can adapt to the environment quickly and shows great interest in food. That makes the training easier. “Police dogs are not only cute, but trainers have done a lot of hard work to train them to be professional,” Wang said.

After several months of training, Fu Zai can now take advantage of his short legs to investigate under cars and easily get into and search very small spaces. He can also improve interactions (互动) between police dogs and the public because of his cute appearance.

Fu Zai is still a fresh hand as a reserve police dog and must receive further training before officially entering service.

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1.Fu Zai has been trained for __________.

A seven months

B six months

C four months

D two months

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段第一句“Fu Zai is a six-month-old corgi.”和第三段最后一句“He began training when he was two months old”可知,福仔6个月大了,两个月大时开始训练,因此已经训练四个月了。故选C。

2.How often does Fu Zai train?

A Every day.

B Once a week.

C Twice a month.

D Four times a week.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段第二句的“Training, scheduled for every morning and afternoon, includes many subjects, such as obedience exercises, bomb searches and scent tracking.”可知,成为预备役警犬的“福仔”面临着“繁重课业”,每天的训练分为上下午,涉及多个科目,包括服从、搜爆、嗅闻等等,因此他每天都训练。故选A。

3.Which of the following is TRUE about Fu Zai?

A He is the head of police dogs.

B He doesn’t like staying in the base.

C He loves eating food very much.

D He’s not as good as other dogs.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段第一句的“Fu Zai can adapt to the environment quickly and shows great interest in food.”可知,“福仔”的环境适应能力很强,非常喜欢吃东西。故选C。

4.Which word can describe Fu Zai in the police force?

A Helpful.

B Honest.

C Brave.

D Funny.


5.The passage above mainly __________.

A tells the number of the corgis in Weifang

B gives an introduction to a cute police dog

C explains reasons why a corgi can be a police dog

D shows challenges a corgi may meet as a police dog

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了全国首只柯基警犬亮相山东时文相关情况,故选B。