
Everyone can learn, but being a great student doesn’t always come naturally to everyone. Are you trying your best to find ways to be a better learner? Having the right tips can make all the difference. Keep reading and you may discover how to be a better learner! 

Stay Curious and Ask Questions. Many studies show that curiosity prepares the brain. When you arouse your curiosity and actively start asking questions, it helps you better remember information. Just reading passively probably won’t help you much in better understanding the subject matter. But having a sense of curiosity about the topic at hand and asking deep questions will. 

Use it in our day-to-day lives. I’m sure you still remember events where learning-by-doing helped you better memorize information. Take learning another language, for example. You can read all the books and attend all the lessons, but nothing beats actually speaking the new language. 

Teach others. Have you ever heard of the Protégé Effect? Here’s how it works. When you are responsible for teaching others, you generally work harder to understand the subject material better yourself. Consider understanding deeper about the subject by offering to teach your classmates. This way will help you on your own understanding.  

To learn better, we must understand how we learn best. Think about your preferred method for learning. For example, do you love reading textbooks? Or do you prefer PDFs on a computer? Or do you prefer learning by listening? Maybe none of them works for you. Consider experimenting with other methods as well. You just might discover another method that you enjoy and that works well for you.

Learning how to be a better learner needs efforts. Now, work the tips into your daily life, and make great progress!

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.How does the writer lead in the topic of the passage?

A By telling a story.

B By asking a question.

C By explaining a difference.

D By giving an example.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“Are you trying your best to find ways to be a better learner?”可知作者通过提问引出本文话题。故选B。

2.Which of the following can replace(代替) the underlined word “arouse”?

A Stop.

B Improve.

C Use.

D Control.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据前文“Stay Curious”和后文“having a sense of curiosity”可知作者建议要保持好奇心。选项C最符合文意。故选C。

3.What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A Knowledge starts with practice.

B Everyone makes mistakes.

C Easier said than done.

D All roads lead to Rome.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据第三段中心句“Use it in our day-to-day lives.”及关键词句“learning-by-doing”“nothing beats actually speaking the new language”等可知,该段讲的是实践对学习的好处,即实践出真知。故选A。

4.Why does the writer mention the Protégé Effect?

A To explain how it works.

B To prove that others help us a lot.

C To introduce the idea of deep learning.

D To show the advantage of teaching others.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据the Protégé Effect定位到第四段,根据第四段第一句“Teach others.”可知该段提及的方法是教别人。后文紧接着说教别人的时候,我们是怎样加强自己对材料的理解的。由此可知,作者提及the Protégé Effect是为了展示教别人的好处。故选D。

5.What’s the main idea of the last tip?

A Make time for learning.

B Think outside the box.

C Keep learning new things.

D Try out different methods.

解析:选D。D段落大意题。根据该段关键词句“preferred method”“other methods”“another method”可知,本段重点在于“method”。故选D。