在校大学生做兼职 这些好处了解一下
在校大学生做兼职 这些好处了解一下

Part-time jobs are of great importance. University students are able to make money while at the same time studying. Most part-time jobs require that one works for about two to three hours a day. For most students, it’s something manageable. After all, lessons don’t take the whole day.

Students who do part-time jobs get paid for the services offered. The money made can be used to partly lighten the students’ financial worries. Students from poor families often cannot afford education; doing part-time jobs helps cover their education costs.

Students who do part-time jobs are able to improve their studies. That makes them understand whatever they learn in school even better. For example, if an accounting student gets a part-time job in an accounting company, he or she will be able to experience what learned in school in real situations. As a result, he or she will have a better understanding of the course. The same applies to medicine, engineering, and law students, among others.

Taking part-time jobs helps students win experience in their field of work. This is important when it comes to job hunting after completion of studies. Research has shown that students who have taken part-time jobs and got relevant experience have an advantage when it comes to getting jobs, unlike those that are just fresh from school.

Students who take part in part-time jobs while in school are in a position to understand the value of money, thus using it well in the future. For example, they are now able to stop themselves from impulse buying (冲动购买) and resulting in smart shopping, making their money last longer than before. This, as a result, makes them responsible adults even in the future.

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1.What makes part-time jobs possible for most students?

A Enough returns.

B Short working time.

C Being easy to change.

D No need for experiences.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段最后三句“Most part-time jobs require that one works for about two to three hours a day. For most students, it’s something manageable. After all, lessons don’t take the whole day.”可知,大多数兼职工作只要求一天工作两三个小时,对大多数学生来说,都是可以实现的,毕竟不是一整天都有课。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “financial” mean?

A Connected with money.

B Shy in social situations.

C Needed for a reason.

D Happening in the mind.

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据划线部分前后文的关键词句“get paid”“The money”“cannot afford education”“cover their education costs”可知,兼职赚来的钱可以在一定程度上减轻学生的财务负担,即划线单词的含义与金钱相关。故选A。

3.Which of the following is better for a medical student to take a part-time job in?

A A school.

B A cinema.

C A hospital.

D A law company.


4.What’s mainly talked about in the last paragraph?

A Doing part-time jobs saves money for future.

B Doing part-time jobs prevents students from shopping.

C Doing part-time jobs let students understand difficulties.

D Doing part-time jobs makes students smart shoppers.

解析:选D。D段落大意题。根据最后一段第一句的“understand the value of money”“stop themselves from impulse buying”可知,最后一段主要讲的是兼职能够让学生更珍惜金钱,不冲动消费,成为一个理智的消费者。故选D。

5.Where is the text probably from?

A A storybook.

B A newspaper.

C A guidebook.

D A school website.
