
The city of Zhuozhou in North China’s Hebei Province is home to hundreds of publishing house book warehouses. However, nearly all of them were badly damaged by pouring rain last August, causing heavy economic losses. To help with recovery efforts, a spring book warehouse sale was held in Zhuozhou on Saturday, attracting book lovers from all over the country. A total of around 2 million books were on sale.

Over the past six months, local authorities have introduced a series of measures to help businesses return to normal operations, such as coordinating insurance, reducing rent and providing subsidized loans. As part of the series of measures to ease the impact of the disasters, this spring book warehouse sale not only brings people together to bond over books but also boosts confidence in local book enterprises. “Now our sales revenue (收入) has recovered to about 85 percent of what it was before the flood. We have sufficient confidence to stay in Zhuozhou and we are confident that our company will develop well here,” said a local book enterprise at the sale.

According to media reports in August, Bookschina.com, the biggest online book store in China, revealed 400 million of its books had been soaked by the floods in Zhuozhou, describing it was “the most devastating damage in the company’s 25-year history”. The platform moved its warehouse center to Zhuozhou in 2018. Since the warehouse flood on August 1, nearly 80 percent of its books have been damaged, including a number of rare, out-of-print and vintage (老式的) titles. These books are relatively niche (小众的), not mass bestsellers. The number of books per edition is small, and when they are damaged, there is no longer any call to reprint them.

Many companies have tried various ways to make up for the losses such as sales through live streaming. Many readers reached out and are ready to help them by buying pre-sale goods. Some book lovers also showed their support by purchasing special “aid packages” consisting of books, commemorative bookmarks and badges.

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1.What happened in Zhuozhou last summer?

A It built many book warehouses.

B It attracted millions of book lovers.

C It was hit by extreme floods.

D It sold about 2 million books.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段第一二句“The city of Zhuozhou in North China’s Hebei Province is home to hundreds of publishing house book warehouses. However, nearly all of them were badly damaged by pouring rain last August, causing heavy economic losses.”位于中国北部河北省的涿州市是数百家出版社书库的所在地。然而,几乎所有这些都在去年8月的暴雨中遭到严重破坏,造成了巨大的经济损失。由此可知,去年8月(夏天)涿州遭遇了特大洪水。故选C。

2.What do local book companies think of the spring book warehouse sale?

A It surprises them greatly.

B It brings them much hope.

C It makes them a big fortune.

D It causes them a lot of trouble.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“but also boosts confidence in local book enterprises”以及“We have sufficient confidence to stay in Zhuozhou and we are confident that our company will develop well here”可知,春季仓储淘书会给当地图书公司带来了信心,让他们充满了希望。故选B。

3.What does the third paragraph focus on?

A The great loss of Bookschina.com.

B The long history of Bookschina.com.

C The huge scale of Bookschina.com.

D The large market of Bookschina.com.

解析:选A。A 段落大意题。根据第三段中的关键词句“revealed 400 million of its books had been soaked by the floods”“the most devastating damage”“nearly 80 percent of its books have been damaged”等可知,本段主要描述了中国最大的在线书店Bookschina.com在这次洪水灾害中遭到的严重损失。故选A。

4.What’s the public’s attitude towards the spring book warehouse sale?

A Indifferent.

B Passive.

C Doubtful.

D Supportive.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Many readers reached out and are ready to help them by buying pre-sale goods. Some book lovers also showed their support...”许多读者伸出援手,准备通过购买预售商品来帮助他们。一些书迷也表达了他们的支持…… 可知,人们对这次春季仓储淘书会表示支持。故选D。