
Ancient magic. A talking tiger. The Tiger’s Apprentice, streaming now, is an animated movie filled with wonders. Brandon Soo Hoo voices Tom Lee, the movie’s young hero. Reporter Sophia Zhang interviewed the actor about his character and experiences.

How would you describe Tom?

Tom is trying to find his place in the world as a hero. He wants to find his community and step into his fullest potential.

Which parts of Tom resonate with you most?

Tom is not too different from me. I’m Chinese-American. He grew up in Chinatown in the Bay Area of San Francisco, California. I grew up in Chinatown in Los Angeles. So I didn’t have to dig too deep into my life and my experiences to relate to Tom.

And Tom is really good at trying to stay positive when situations are difficult. He uses his wisdom and his sense of humor to overcome hardships. Those are things I can definitely relate to.

In the beginning, Tom tries to go about dealing with a lot of his obstacles with brute force (蛮力). But he learns to use his head a bit more and find compassion. That’s something that I had to develop as I got older, too.

What’s the most important message you want kids to take away from this movie?

Don’t be afraid to lean on the people that you love, for support, if you need it. There’s so much value and so much power in community, and there’s so much value in family.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Even if your culture isn’t super familiar to the peers that are around you, embrace it and be proud of it. There’s strength in leaning into your culture.

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1.What does the underlined part “resonate with” mean?

A Impress.

B Relate to.

C Move.

D Give strength to.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线部分回答的“So I didn’t have to dig too deep into my life and my experiences to relate to Tom.”“Those are things I can definitely relate to.”可知该问题问的是汤姆哪一部分最能让Brandon Soo Hoo产生共鸣。故选B。

2.What does Brandon Soo Hoo learn from Tom?

A Learning without thinking is frustrating.

B Thinking is the seed of action.

C Think twice before we jump.

D Living means thinking.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第二问的回答部分的最后一句“That’s something that I had to develop as I got older, too.”可知,Brandon Soo Hoo认为他必须培养的是多动脑筋,这也是他从汤姆身上学到的东西。故选C。

3.What does Brandon Soo Hoo encourage kids do through the movie?

A Ask for help when need.

B Always support your loved ones.

C Find yourself in community.

D Attach great importance to family.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据倒数第二问的回答部分可知,Brandon Soo Hoo希望孩子们不要害怕在需要的时候向爱的人寻求帮助。故选A。

4.What does the last paragraph talk about?

A Cultural diversity.

B Cultural heritage.

C Cultural treasures.

D Cultural confidence.

解析:选D。D段落大意题。根据最后一段内容及关键词句“embrace it and be proud of it”“There’s strength in leaning into your culture.”可知,最后一段讲的是接受自己的文化并为此感到自豪,这是一种文化自信。故选D。