迎接第29个“世界读书日” 发现你可能错过的精彩新作
迎接第29个“世界读书日” 发现你可能错过的精彩新作

Daughters of the Lamp

Sahara has always felt insignificant. She follows rules and always has a plan. But a necklace (项链) belonging to her late mother changes all of that.

Daughters of the Lamp follows Sahara to a family wedding in Cairo, Egypt. There, her necklace starts glowing — before it disappears. As she looks into the background behind the necklace, family secrets are discovered. Writer Nedda Lewers puts Arabian fairy tales (童话) into this magical journey.

This Again?

Would you go back in time to change your future? In this funny, time-traveling novel by Adam Borba, middle school student Noah Nicholson does just that. He’s running for the monitor. Plus, he must choose between hanging out with his friends, getting straight As, and being popular. Noah wants to follow in his successful older brother’s footsteps. But is he trying so hard to be like Paul that he forgets who the real Noah is? Can he go back in time to make his life perfect?

Shiny Misfits

This book is written by Maysoon Zayid, with art by Shadia Amin. It draws you from the beginning. Bay Ann has cerebral palsy (脑瘫), but she doesn’t let that impede her. She loves tap dancing, and decides to perform at her school talent show. She hopes doing so will get her closer to her dream of being famous. But Bay Ann’s plans go wrong when she becomes famous—for all the wrong reasons. Shiny Misfits is great for kids who enjoy graphic (图画的) novels or stories about dealing with friendships and difficult social situations.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What kind of person is Sahara in Daughters of the Lamp?

A Confident.

B Serious.

C Funny.

D Selfish.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据Daughters of the Lamp部分的第二句“She follows rules and always has a plan.”可知Sahara总是循规蹈矩,遵循计划,由此可知,她可能比较严肃。故选B。

2.What’s This Again? mainly about?

A Noah’s interesting journey.

B Adam’s hard work to success.

C Noah’s middle school life.

D Adam’s strange experiences.

解析:选A。A段落大意题。根据This Again?部分的第一句和第二句可知,该书是关于一名中学生穿越到过去的奇幻故事。故选A。

3.What does the underlined part “impede her” mean?

A Take her time.

B Break her habit.

C Hold her back.

D Draw her attention.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据Shiny Misfits中划线部分所在句关键词but可知,前后意思表示转折,结合后文“She hopes doing so will get her closer to her dream of being famous.”可知划线部分句意为:虽然她患有脑瘫,但她并没有让这“妨碍/阻止”她。故选C。

4.Which book is for you if you want to know how to get on with friends?

A Shiny Misfits.

B Daughters of the Lamp.

C This Again?.

D None of them.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据Shiny Misfits部分最后一句的“is great for kids who enjoy...stories about dealing with friendships and difficult social situations”可知,该书对喜欢友谊和棘手社交故事的孩子来说很合适。故选A。

5.Where does the passage probably come from?

A A travel guide.

B A storybook.

C A science magazine.

D A book review.
