
When Fedya’s owner, Natalya Zhdanova, found him in her backyard four years ago, she had no idea he would one day become an Instagram star with over 300,000 followers. At the time, she wasn’t even sure he would survive. He had been born with a coordination issue and struggled to move around, but as he grew, his condition improved, and before long he was behaving like a normal cat, although he didn’t really look like one. Natalya claims she didn’t really notice his unusual looks, but her friends always seemed amused by Fedya’s constantly frightened appearance, and she unwillingly started posting photos of him on social media. The rest, as they say, is history.

“I didn’t notice that he had any unusual appearance – he just seemed cute and funny to me,” Natalya said. “But my friends told me that this cat must be shown to the world.” The world loved Fedya, and Natalya quickly realized that his adorable looks made a lot of people’s days better, so she continued uploading funny photos and videos of her pet. Fedya the cat first made international news headlines in 2021, at the start of his Instagram journey. He had “only” 36,000 fans at the time, a number that has since ballooned to 314,000.

It’s unclear why Fedya has this unusual facial expression all the time, but his owner suspects that it is due to some genetic defect (遗传缺陷) or a result of physical trauma. Whatever it is, it doesn’t seem to bother him at all. It’s what makes him special, and the main reason for his social media success.

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1.What can we know about Fedya?

A Netizens thought his behavior unacceptable.

B He was found in 2019 and born healthy.

C He is famous only among the natives.

D His unusual appearance attracted netizens.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段的“she had no idea he would one day become an Instagram star with over 300,000 followers”可知,由于费迪亚那滑稽的惊愕表情,他在社交媒体上很火。故选D。

2.What encouraged Natalya to share Fedya’s photos online continually?

A Friends’ funny reaction.

B People’s love for Fedya.

C Her desire to succeed.

D Fedya’s physical condition.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段的“she unwillingly started posting photos of him on social media”和第二段的“Natalya quickly realized that his adorable looks made a lot of people’s days better, so she continued uploading funny photos and videos of her pet”可知一开始Natalya并不想在网络上分享费迪亚的照片,但是当她看到人们很喜欢费迪亚,且因为他的照片感到开心时,她受到了鼓舞,决定继续更新照片。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “ballooned” mean?

A Suspected.

B Increased.

C Admired.

D Dropped.

解析:选B。B词义猜测题。根据划线单词前面的“36,000 fans at the time”和“to 314,000”可知,当时他的粉丝“只有”3.6万,现在这个数字已经到31.4万了,因此是“增加了”。故选B。

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A To show his love for cats.

B To memorize a special cat.

C To share his cat feeding experience.

D To introduce a unique and famous cat.
