
You’ve seen them on social media. You’ve heard them in movie dialogue. You’ve probably even used them yourself. They’re logical fallacies, those not-quite logically sound statements that might seem solid at first glance, but crumble the moment you give them a second thought. 

Logical fallacies are everywhere. Being able to identify logical fallacies in others’ writing as well as in your own will make you a more critical thinker, which in turn will make you a stronger writer and reader. As you’ll see below, there are a lot of ways an argument can be flawed. Take a look at some of the most commonly used logical fallacies.

Red herring 

red herring is an attempt to shift focus from the debate at hand by introducing an irrelevant point. Example: Losing a tooth can be scary, but have you heard about the Tooth Fairy? 

Straw man 

A straw man argument is one that argues against an inaccurate version of the opposition rather than their actual argument. Example: Erin thinks we need to stop using all plastics, right now, to save the planet from climate change. 

Ad hominem 

An ad hominem fallacy is one that directed against a person, rather than against what that person says. Example: You have no idea what you’re talking about; you’ve only lived here for six months.

False dilemma 

A false dilemma claims there are only two options in a given situation. Often, these two options are extreme opposites of each other, failing to acknowledge that other, more reasonable, options exist. Example: If you don’t support my decision, you were never really my friend. 

Causal fallacy

causal fallacy is one that implies a relationship between two things where one can’t actually be proven. Example: When ice cream sales are up, so are shark attacks. Therefore, buying ice cream increases your risk of being bitten by a shark. 

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1.What does the underlined word “crumble” mean?

A Get stronger.

B Fade away.

C Become different.

D Break off.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据划线部分前的“but”可知前后文意思表转折,结合“might seem solid at first glance”“crumble the moment you give them a second thought”可知那些陈述乍一看合乎逻辑,再一想就站不住脚“崩溃”了。故选D。

2.What’s mentioned about learning about logical fallacies in Para. 2?

A The function.

B The methods.

C The definition.

D The history.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段的“make you a more critical thinker”“make you a stronger writer and reader”可知第二段讲到了学习逻辑谬误的作用/好处。故选A。

3.What do Red herring and Straw man share?

A They offer irrelevant reasons.

B They both changed the topic.

C Their statement lack evidence.

D They support others emotionally.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据Red herring部分的“introducing an irrelevant point”和Straw man部分的“argues against an inaccurate version of the opposition”可知红鲱鱼谬误和稻草人谬误都改变了论题,红鲱鱼谬误是提出一个不相关的论题,稻草人谬误是歪曲论题。故选B。

4.Which of the following sentences belongs to “Ad hominem”?

A You are for us, or you are against us.

B Only a stupid person would offer such an argument.

C Every time they see a rainbow in the sky, something good happens.

D I pay my taxes every month; you shouldn’t arrest me just because I drove a little drunk!

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,文章介绍了五种常见逻辑谬论,分别为Red herring红鲱鱼谬论;Straw man稻草人谬论;Ad hominem人身攻击;False dilemma非黑即白;Causal fallacy因果谬论。选项A为False dilemma;B为Ad hominem;C为Causal fallacy;D为Red herring。故选B。