
Recently, the topic “Take photos of a textbook cover by chance” has gone viral online. This earnest and lively form of communication quickly gained favor with the public and now textbook covers have become a hit template (模板) with which everyone can create textbook-style photos. Beautiful scenery or interesting moments lively displayed against such a background reveals a unique Chinese romance.

So why has this movement been so successful?      ▲     Psychologically, recalling the past or nostalgia brings warmth, which can be explained in the following aspects. First comes self-identification. Recalling the past is an exploration and confirmation of self-identity. By recalling the past, people can re-examine their years of growth and seek the values and interests that are still relevant to their present. Second is emotional satisfaction. For instance, when recalling your childhood, you may think of those people or things that once accompanied you and then derive pleasure and happiness from them. Third, recalling the past is a social currency that users want to share. Artistic works bring people a pleasant aesthetic (美学的) experience. Aesthetically, a textbook cover is a vehicle of art, namely, an expression of beauty because beauty is a source of art. When breathtaking views integrate with textbook covers from our memories, the picturesque scene adds a literary touch and the scenery comes to life.

Taking pictures with Chinese language book covers as a background indicates people’s yearning for the Mother Nature. Whether they are poetic landscapes or historical sites, these photos express their desire to get close to nature. Besides this, what we have learned from textbooks is like a seed buried in our mind and, after years of growing, ultimately bursts into flowers that hit our hearts precisely, which is a vivid portrayal of the long-term and delayed nature of education.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.The topic “Take photos of a textbook cover by chance” is received among the public with ______________.

A uncertainty

B enthusiasm

C worry

D criticism

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段第二句的“This earnest and lively form of communication quickly gained favor with the public and now textbook covers have become a hit template with which everyone can create textbook-style photos.”可知,最近,“一不小心拍到语文课本封面”的话题刷屏全网,有网友将随手拍摄的风景套上语文课本封面模板,毫无违和感的搭配,点燃了众多网友的创作热情,因此人们都很喜爱这个话题。故选B。

2.What can be put back into the “ ▲ ” ?

A It is because these textbook covers bear memories.

B It is because visitors gain much knowledge and inspiration.

C It is because attractions are always rich and colorful.

D It is because viewers can personally experience the beauty.

解析:选A。A推理判断题。根据后文反复出现的关键词句“recalling the past or nostalgia”“Recalling the past” “recalling your childhood” “Third, recalling the past” “from our memories”等可知,这场运动如此成功的原因与回忆过去有关,即教科书封面承载了人们的记忆。故选A。

3.What does the underlined word “yearning” mean?

A An important role.

B A dark secret.

C A heavy heart.

D A strong desire.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据后面的“Whether they are poetic landscapes or historical sites, these photos express their desire to get close to nature.”可知,语文课本封面流行背后,还有对大自然的向往以及对祖国山河的热爱。故选D。

4.What is the text?

A A biography.

B A book review.

C A news report.

D A diary entry.
