姐姐妹妹做公益 让阅读变得更有趣
姐姐妹妹做公益 让阅读变得更有趣

Haili Smith, 16, and her sister Brooke Smith, 13, have very different tastes in books. But they share a belief that kids like to read about characters they can relate to. So, in 2020, they started Books Like Me. The nonprofit group supplies teachers with culturally diverse children’s books. “We didn’t really like reading a few years ago,” Haili said. “Then we started to look for books that had characters we saw ourselves in. It made us want to read more. We thought we could share that with students.”

Haili and Brooke made a list of books they liked. On social media, they asked for donations of these titles. They began receiving boxes of new books to give away. Teachers and librarians can request a donation from Books Like Me online. Books are available in various genres and formats (体裁和开本). The Tristan Strong series, by Kwame Mbalia, is popular. So is Sulwe. The picture book was written by actress Lupita Nyong’o and illustrated by Vashti Harrison. “The art’s really good,” Brooke says. Ever since the organization was founded, Haili and Brooke have given away more than 16,000 books.

Anitra Carter teaches at a primary school. Donations from Books Like Me have gotten her students excited about reading. “It sparks something to see a character that looks similar to them,” Carter says. Carter believes diverse characters help kids develop empathy(同情). “There’s so much that we can learn when we read about other cultures,” she says. “So when we’re having real-life situations ... kids have some background knowledge about the experiences of other people.”

Haili and Brooke have also taken books directly to students. “They all looked so happy when they found a book that really resonated with them,” Haili recalls a book fair. That, of course, is the goal. “I hope, and I think,” Haili says, “that all kids should see themselves represented in books so that they enjoy reading.”

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Where do books from Books Like Me most probably go?

A Libraries.

B Schools.

C Bookstores.

D Communities.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“The nonprofit group supplies teachers with culturally diverse children’s books.”以及“We thought we could share that with students.”可知,这个非营利组织向老师提供儿童图书,以及与学生分享这些书,可知“Books Like Me”的书都给了学校。故选B。

2.What can we know from the second paragraph?

A Kwame Mbalia used to be a popular actress.

B Books Like Me only offers one type of genre for books.

C Haili and Brooke bought many books for Books Like Me.

D Most books from Books Like Me were given away by others.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段的“On social media, they asked for donations of these titles. They began receiving boxes of new books to give away.”在社交媒体上,她们请求人们捐赠这些书,并且她们开始收到一箱箱的新书,并结合第二段最后一句的“Haili and Brooke have given away more than 16,000 books”他们已经送出去了一万六千多本书。由此可知,人们向“Books Like Me”组织捐赠了大量的书。故选D。

3.Which of the following might be Anitra Carter’s opinion?

A It’s important to read about diverse characters.

B Books help teachers see things from different perspectives.

C All books should have characters similar to readers.

D Reading books from different cultures makes little sense.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第三段中卡特所说的,不同的角色有助于培养孩子的同理心,当我们阅读其他文化时,我们可以学到很多东西;当我们在现实生活中遇到这种情况时……孩子们对其他人的经历有一些背景知识。由此可推断,卡特认为“阅读不同的人物很重要”。故选A。

4.What does the underlined word “resonated” in the last paragraph mean?

A Worked together.

B Got along.

C Fell in love.

D Shared common feelings.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。结合前文提到的“read about characters they can relate to”“books that had characters we saw ourselves in”以及“see a character that looks similar to them”等可知,这些书中的角色与学生读者相似,即能与他们产生共鸣。结合选项可知,选D。