
Daughters of the Lamp

Sahara has always felt insignificant. She follows logic and always has a plan. But a necklace belonging to her late mother changes all of that.

Daughters of the Lamp follows Sahara to a family wedding in Cairo, Egypt. There, her necklace starts glowing — before it disappears. As she looks into the origin of the necklace, family secrets are unearthed. Author Nedda Lewers weaves Arabian fairy tales into this mysterious and magical adventure. —By TFK Kid Reporter Sophia Zhang

The Partition Project

Maha loves storytelling. She explores her grandmother’s life story by making a documentary about her for school. Maha learns about her grandmother’s experience growing up in India and her move from India to Pakistan.

The Partition Project, by Saadia Faruqi, focuses on the importance of family bonds and of hearing the stories of our grandparents’ lives. —By TFK Kid Reporter Audrey Owolo

This Again?

Would you go back in time to change your future? In this funny, time-traveling adventure by Adam Borba, middle schooler Noah Nicholson does just that. He’s running for class president. Plus, he must choose between hanging out with his friends, getting straight As, and being popular. Noah wants to follow in his successful older brother’s footsteps. But is he trying so hard to be like Paul that he forgets who the real Noah is? Can he go back in time to make his life perfect? If you’re looking for a relatable fantasy story, this book is definitely for you. —By TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern

Shiny Misfits

Written by Maysoon Zayid, with art by Shadia Amin, this novel grabs you from the first chapter. Bay Ann has cerebral palsy (脑瘫), but she doesn’t let that hold her back. She loves tap dancing, and decides to perform at her school talent show. She hopes doing so will get her closer to her dream of being famous. But Bay Ann’s plans go awry when she goes viral—for all the wrong reasons. Shiny Misfits is great for kids who enjoy graphic (图画的) novels or stories about navigating friendships and tricky social situations. —By TFK Kid Reporter Harper Carroll

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What’s the personality of Sahara in Daughters of the Lamp?

A Special.

B Attractive.

C Mysterious.

D Ordinary.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据Daughters of the Lamp部分的第一句“Sahara has always felt insignificant.”可知Sahara是一个不显眼的普通人。故选D。

2.What’s special about The Partition Project?

A It’s based on real stories.

B It focuses on teenagers.

C It was written in English.

D It mentions about family.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据The Partition Project部分的“her grandmother’s life story”“her grandmother’s experience”“the stories of our grandparents’ lives”可知本书是基于真实故事创作。故选A。

3.What type of literature is This Again??

A Love story.

B Fantasy novel.

C Detective novel.

D Horror fiction.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据This Again?部分的“go back in time”“time-traveling adventure”可知,本书是一本关于时空穿越的奇幻小说。故选B。

4.What does the underlined phrase “go awry” mean?

A Carry out.

B Work properly.

C Break out.

D Go wrong.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据Shiny Misfits划线部分前后文内容及关键词“But”“wrong reasons”可知,Bay Ann本希望能通过参加学校的才艺表演离梦想更进一步,但是当她走红时,她的计划却因为所有错误的原因“出了问题”。估选D。