
Join a community of kids who are making the world a better and brighter place. Even the smallest actions can make a big difference.

This Month’s Task

You don’t need to be a hero or a famous climate activist to help protect the environment. Everyone can play a part. From starting a planting program at school to picking up litter in a park,    ▲   . We’re looking for kids who are finding new ways to keep our Earth clean, green, and beautiful. Could you be one of them?

Need Inspiration?

Make posters about protecting environment. Hang them in your community. What will you draw? Pick up trash at a park or playground. Will family members and friends join you? Speak up about a way to make your school greener. How can you get others to change? Sign up for an environment or “eco” club at your school. If there isn’t one yet, can you start your own? Make an effort to turn off lights and water taps when they aren’t in use. What other resources (资源) can you save?

Stars Shine Brighter Together

Kids teaming up to go green is a powerful thing. Why not hold an eco talent show? Invite classmates to share their nature-themed songs, art, and more. People can choose to pay or not. By doing that, kids can raise money for people in need and encourage others to take action. Need help getting started? Talk to an adult or pair up with a friend to find an idea that feels right for you.

Tell Us About It!

We want to hear all about your efforts to protect the planet. Write to us at tfkeditors@time.com for a chance to be reported in TIME for Kids. 

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Which of the following can be put back into the “ ▲ ”?

A every action counts

B each coin has two sides

C actions speak louder than words

D failure is the mother of success


2.What can people do to protect the environment?

A Give out posters about community.

B Pick up rubbish on the road.

C Force friends to join protection.

D Keep the lights on during nights.


3.What’s the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A Habits.

B Skills.

C Friendship.

D Teamwork.

解析:选D。D段落大意题。根据第四段“Stars Shine Brighter Together”“Kids teaming up to go green is a powerful thing.”可知,该段主要讲孩子们可以一起行动,团队合作力量更大。故选D。

4.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A To call for action.

B To advertise.

C To ask for advice.

D To provide help.


5.In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?

A Education.

B Science.

C Technology.

D Environment.
