
Sophie Crehan, 24, said she had taken her children to a restaurant in Haydock, England on yesterday afternoon as a weekend treat.

“They have a little children’s play area in there. I was on the grabbing machines(抓娃娃机) and I was trying to win my little girl this pink and purple teddy that she really wanted. I had a go three times but failed—I just couldn’t do it,” Sophie said. “There was a little boy stood next to me watching me do it. I said ‘it’s your turn now, you can have a go’.”

Sophie went back to her table to eat her meal. Shortly after, the little boy walked over to her table holding a pink and purple teddy. He said, “I’ve just won it for your little girl.”

“I said ‘you don’t need to do that’ and he said ‘no no, I’ve won it’,” Sophie recalled. “I was nearly in tears because it was such a nice thing to do.”

Sophie says the boy was around 10 years old. “I saw him go back to his table where he was sitting. I took £2 out of my purse and went and gave it to him and said ‘thanks very much’.”

“His parents were like, ‘what’s happened?’ So I explained what had happened and said ‘he’s a lovely little boy’.”


1.When did the story probably happen?

A On Monday.

B On Tuesday.

C On Friday.

D On Sunday.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第一段可知,索菲·克里汉(Sophie Crehan)昨天下午带孩子们去了英国海多克的一家餐馆,作为周末的享受。由此推断故事可能发生在周日。故选D。

2.Sophie Crehan wanted to get the teddy for_____.

A herself

B a little girl

C the little boy

D her little daughter

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段…and I was trying to win my little girl this pink and purple teddy that she really wanted.可知,索菲想给她的小女儿抓一个她特别想要的粉紫色泰迪熊毛绒玩具。故选D。

3.What did the little boy do after Sophie left the grabbing machine?

A He played with Sophie’s kids.

B He failed on the grabbing machines.

C He won the pink and purple teddy.

D He stood there and watched the teddy.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段Shortly after, the little boy walked over to her table holding a pink and purple teddy. He said, “I’ve just won it for your little girl.” 可知, 不久之后,小男孩拿着一个粉紫色的泰迪熊走向索菲的桌子,并且表示是为她女儿抓到的。故选C。

4.How did Sophie feel about the boy’s kindness?

A She was moved.

B She was surprised.

C She was happy.

D She was excited.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第五段I was nearly in tears because it was such a nice thing to do.可知,索菲几乎要哭了,因为那是一件很好的事情。由此推断当时她深受感动差点哭了,故选A。

5.What can we know from the passage?

A The boy often helps Sophie in his life.

B We don’t know why the boy did so.

C Sophie thanked the boy with a teddy.

D The boy’s parents knew the whole story.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段“His parents were like, ‘what’s happened?’ So I explained what had happened and said ‘he’s a lovely little boy’.”可知,小男孩的父母不知道发生了什么事,于是索菲向他们做了解释,但小男孩为何会出手相助,文章并未提及。故选B。