
Mia Tramz had to work through high school and college, so she started in the restaurant industry. But from the time she was 12 years old, she wanted to be a photo editor, and she put everything into getting there. Most of the time, her career was centered around visual storytelling. First, she was a photo editor, then she had the opportunity to build a virtual-reality department at TIME. But there came a moment when she felt like she accomplished what she wanted to accomplish in that career, and that was the moment she decided to change careers.

Now Mia’s working on an organic farm. She calls the first part of her career “inside work.” But she always had a deep love of being outside, so she wondered: “Could I be paid to be outside all day?” She tried many jobs outside over the past four years and finally farming caught her attention. She said, “There are endless things to learn. If you’re a curious person, you’ll never get to the end of your learning.”

As a farm worker, Mia starts her typical workday with a team meeting to talk through what needs to be done that day, and people are assigned different jobs. It could be harvesting, transplanting, seeding, or doing fieldwork, of which are a lot of physical labor and repetitive tasks. Mia says her favorite farm task is driving a tractor. “I never in a million years imagined I would. The learning curve is steep, and it can be dangerous—you need a good teacher,” said Mia.

Here are some advice from Mia for kids who want to work in agriculture: There are many different types of agriculture, and within each type, there are infinite jobs. Maybe you’re not into growing vegetables or caring for livestock, but you are into car maintenance or building. Many things need maintenance on a farm. In addition, farms always need help. Look for volunteer opportunities or part-time jobs during the summer, and try a lot of different things to figure out where you want to fit in.

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1.What can we know about Mia Tramz’s career path?

A She loved her career in the restaurant industry.

B She was contented as a photo editor.

C She had spent 12 years working in an office.

D She decided to change her career for no reason.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句的“when she felt like she accomplished what she wanted to accomplish in that career”可知米娅·特拉姆兹认为自己完成了在那个职业(图片编辑)中想要完成的事情。由此可推知,她对她的图片编辑工作感到满足。故选B。

2.What drew Mia to farmwork?

A Fresh air.

B Being outside.

C The desire of winning.

D Her learning ability.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段中的“But she always had a deep love of being outside”可知,她一直深爱着户外生活。故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Para. 3?

A The typical workday.

B The physical labor.

C Doing fieldwork.

D Driving a tractor.

解析:选D。D词意指代题。根据第三段的“Mia says her favorite farm task is driving a tractor.”可知米娅说她最喜欢的农活是开拖拉机,接下来她谈论了学习开拖拉机的体验。故选D。

4.What can students do first when they want to work on the farm?

A Look for jobs online.

B Try to work as a volunteer.

C Get to know different types of jobs.

D Always choose full-time jobs.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“Look for volunteer opportunities or part-time jobs during the summer, and try a lot of different things to figure out where you want to fit in.”可知,如果有学生想要在农场工作,可以先在暑假期间寻找做志愿者或者兼职的机会。故选B。