
The newly reopened Country Diner in Hegins was packed(拥挤的) during a lunch rush(高峰时间) when a diner(食客) asked manager Lorrie Renninger if she could pay for everyone’s bill.

“I waited on this lady, and it was time for her to pay her bill, and came up to the register(收银台) and said she would like to pay for everyone’s bill. I’m like, ‘Are you sure?’ and she was like, ‘Yes’,” Renninger recalled.

The anonymous diner, of whom no one knows the name or any information, paid $350 to cover all of the customers’ meals. She also tipped(给小费) the two servers a total of $100.

It was an act of kindness not only for the customers at Country Diner but also for the employees, especially during a difficult time. “Business has been up and down. Even though we’re opening, we still can’t get the help, you know. We had to do reduced hours,” Renninger said.

The woman wanted to remain anonymous, but employees want her to know how many people she touched by her generosity(慷慨). “I’d like to say thank you so much. You made our day, and it’s wonderful that you do that,” Renninger said.


1.According to the passage, this story most likely happened_______.

A in the morning

B at noon

C in the afternoon

D in the evening

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段的during a lunch rush可知是在午餐高峰时,即应该是在正午时分。故选B。

2.The lady paid the bill for everyone _______.

A actively

B passively

C carefully

D carelessly

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段…and it was time for her to pay her bill, and came up to the register and said she would like to pay for everyone’s bill.可知,到了她付账的时候,她走到收银台,她说她愿意支付每个人的账单。由此推断当时该女士是主动为他人付账的。故选A。

3.The underlined word “anonymous” in Paragraph 3 means______ in Chinese.

A 急躁的

B 慷慨的

C 匿名的

D 感恩的

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据该词后面的of whom no one knows the name or any information可知没有人知道她的名字或任何关于她的信息。由此说明这名食客身份不明,故猜测anonymous意为“匿名的”,故选C。

4.How much money did the lady pay in all in the restaurant?

A $100.

B $ 350.

C $ 450.

D Not mentioned

解析:选C。C 数字计算题。根据第三段内容可知,这位匿名食客花了350美元支付了顾客的所有餐费,还给了这两名侍者100美元的小费,总计450美元,故选C。

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A The woman told this story to the local media.

B Some employees once got the woman’s help.

C The business of Country Diner has always been good.

D The lady’s kind act warmed all the people in the restaurant.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第四段的It was an act of kindness not only for the customers at Country Diner but also for the employees及最后一段中的but employees want her to know how many people she touched by her generosity可知,这位女士的善举温暖了餐厅里的所有人。故选D。