
Kanchha Sherpa (夏尔巴人) is 91 years old now(2024). He was a member of the famous team of 35 to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma on May 29, 1953. The team was the first group to the top of the mountain. And Kanchha is the last surviving (幸存的) member of them.

Kanchha is furious at the state of the mountain now, saying it is now crowded and dirty. “They should not be dirtying the mountain. It is our biggest god and they should not be dirtying the gods,” said Kanchha. “Qomolangma is the biggest god for the Sherpas but people smoke and eat meat and throw rubbish on the mountain.” 
Since Kanchha’s first climb, thousands have climbed up the world’s tallest mountain. More visitors come, and also some climbers live on the mountain for months at a time. They bring a lot of rubbish. That worries people. There are rules in place that climbers must clean up their own rubbish and equipment. But that doesn’t produce a successful result.
“It is very dirty now. People throw wrappings (包装材料) after eating food. Who is going to pick them up now?” said Kanchha. “It would be better for the mountain to reduce the number of climbers. Right now there is always a big crowd of people at the top of Qomolangma.”
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1.When was Kanchh born?

A In 1930.

B In 1933.

C In 1935.

D In 1953.

解析:选B。B 数字计算题。根据第一段第一句“Kanchha Sherpa is 91 years old now(2024).”可知,坎查今年91岁,由此可计算出他出生于1933年。故选B。

2.Which is NOT true about the team?

A The team had 35 members.

B 34 members of the team died.

C Few people knew about the team.

D No one climbed Qomolangma before the team.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句的“He was a member of the famous team of 35”他是著名的35人队的一员,可知这个队伍非常有名,C项描述错误。故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “furious” mean?

A Angry.

B Proud.

C Excited.

D Afraid.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据第二段的“saying it is now crowded and dirty”以及“but people smoke and eat meat and throw rubbish on the mountain”可知,坎查说珠穆朗玛峰现在又挤又脏,人们在山上抽烟,吃肉,然后把垃圾扔到山上。由此可知他对珠穆朗玛峰的现状感到愤怒。故选A。

4.Why are people worried?

A Because the tallest mountain is popular.

B Because climbers live on the mountain.

C Because few people follow the rules.

D Because there’s lots of rubbish on the mountain.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“They bring a lot of rubbish. That worries people.”他们带来了很多垃圾,这让人们感到担忧,可知,人们为珠穆朗玛峰上的大量垃圾感到担忧。故选D。

5.What’s Kanchh’s advice?

A Send people to pick up the rubbish.

B Cut down the number of climbers.

C Stop people eating on the mountain.

D Stop people from climbing the mountain.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中坎查说的话“It would be better for the mountain to reduce the number of climbers”对于这座山来说,减少登山者的数量会更好,可知,他建议减少登山者数量。故选B。