
Kanchha Sherpa, 91, was one of the legendary team of 35 to conquer Mount Qomolangma on May 29, 1953, with Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. The team was the first group to the top of the mountain. And Kanchha, a Sherpa from the Tibetan ethnic group that lives in the mountains, is the last surviving member of the team. 

Kanchha is furious at the current state of the mountain, saying it is now crowded and dirty and not being respected as the god that it is. “They should not be dirtying the mountain. It is our biggest god and they should not be dirtying the gods,” said Kanchha. “Qomolangma is the biggest god for the Sherpas but people smoke and eat meat and throw rubbish on the mountain.” Sherpas like Kanchha consider Everest as “goddess mother of the world” and perform rituals (仪式) ahead of their climbs.
Since Kanchha’s first climb, thousands have climbed up the world’s tallest mountain. With increased numbers of visitors and also some who live on the mountain for months at a time, comes an influx of their garbage, which has caused concern. There are rules in place that climbers must carry out their own trash and equipment or risk losing their deposit, but enforcement (执行) has proven ineffective. During the spring of 2023, 667 climbers climbed to the top, bringing thousands of support staff to the mountain’s base camp. 
“It is very dirty now. People throw tins and wrappings after eating food. Who is going to pick them up now?” said Kanchha. “Some climbers just throw their trash in the deep crack, which would be hidden at that time but eventually it will flow down to base camp as the snow melts and carries them downward,” Kanchha said a solution would be to limit the number of climbers allowed. However, authorities are not decreasing the number of permits they issue. “Right now there is always a big crowd of people at the mountaintop,” Kanchha said.
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1.How old was Kanchha when he first climbed Mount Qomolangma?

A He was 18.

B He was 20.

C He was 30.

D He was 35.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Kanchha Sherpa, 91, was one of the legendary team of 35 to conquer Mount Qomolangma on May 29, 1953”可知,坎查现年91岁,由此可知他出生于1933年(2024-91=1933);1953年他与埃德蒙·希拉里和丹增·诺尔盖一起第一次登上珠峰,由此可知他第一次攀登珠峰是在20岁时(1953-1933=20)。故选B。

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined part “furious at” in Para. 2?

A Proud of.

B Interested in.

C Moved by.

D Angry about.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据划线部分所在句后面的内容“saying it is now crowded and dirty and not being respected as the god that it is”以及“They should not be dirtying the mountain. It is our biggest god and they should not be dirtying the gods”可知,坎查说现在珠峰又挤又脏,没有被当作神一样尊重;人们不应该弄脏这座山,它是我们最大的神,他们不应该玷污神。由此可知,坎查对珠峰的现状感到愤怒。故选D。

3.What are climbers required to do?

A Pay a large deposit to avoid risks.

B Live on the mountain for a short time.

C Clean up their own trash and equipment.

D Bring fewer support staff to the base camp.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“There are rules in place that climbers must carry out their own trash and equipment or risk losing their deposit”有规定登山者必须清理自己的垃圾和设备,否则就有可能失去押金,可知,登山者被要求清理自己的垃圾和所携带的设备。故选C。

4.What’s Kanchha’s suggestion to solve the problem?

A Hiding the trash in the crack.

B Reducing the number of climbers.

C Asking climbers to stop eating wrapped food.

D Stopping people from climbing the mountain.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Kanchha said a solution would be to limit the number of climbers allowed.”可知,坎查认为解决办法是限制允许的登山者人数,即减少登山人数。故选B。