
Studies have shown that obesity is associated with at least 13 types of cancer. And in some regions, such as North America, Europe and the Middle East, obesity contributes to up to 9% of all cancer cases. It might even become the top cause of cancer in UK women in the next 25 years. So losing weight is clearly an important health goal. 

However, a recent study produced an unexpected result. It found that weight loss was associated with a significantly higher rate of cancer during the 12 months following the weight loss, compared with those who hadn’t lost weight.
The study used data from nearly 160,000 health professionals who have been studied for an average of 28 years. These people reported their health and lifestyle details every two years up to 2016. The researchers paid special attention to their weight changes. Participants were divided into three groups based on how intentional (刻意的) their weight loss was: “high” for those enhancing both diet and exercise, “medium” for improvements in diet or exercise, and “low” for no notable improvements in either. 
Among the participants, a striking finding emerged: people who lost more than 10% of their body weight had a significantly higher risk of cancer diagnoses in the following year. But not all cancers were equally linked to weight loss. The study found a strong connection between weight loss and cancers of the upper digestive (消化的) system (gullet and stomach), liver, pancreas and bile ducts. For these types, the risk was much higher, with chances increasing between three to over seven times. The link was weaker for colorectal (结肠直肠的) and lung cancer, though, and didn’t seem to affect the likelihood of getting breast and cervical cancers that affect just women.
The study’s authors are careful, though.    ▲    For one, they relied on people’s own reports of their weight, which might not always be accurate. Also, they only checked in on participants every two years, which meant some details could be missed. Plus, the study was mostly on US health professionals, who might be more aware of cancer and have better access to healthcare.
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1.What does the first paragraph intend to show?

A There are various types of cancer.

B Cancer has a high fatality (致死) rate.

C Being overweight leads to health issues.

D There will be more obese women in the UK.

解析:选C。C 段落大意题。根据第一段内容“研究表明,肥胖与至少13种癌症有关。在一些地区,肥胖在所有癌症病例中所占比例高达9%。在接下来的25年里,它甚至可能成为英国女性患癌症的首要原因。”可知,本段主要说明肥胖会引发健康问题。故选C。

2.How did the researchers come to the conclusion?

A By observing over-weighted people.

B By analyzing previous data.

C By performing a survey.

D By tracking the subjects in 2016.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“The study used data from nearly 160,000 health professionals who have been studied for an average of 28 years. These people reported their health and lifestyle details every two years up to 2016.”这项研究使用了近16万名卫生专业人员的数据,这些人的平均研究时间为28年。这些人每两年报告一次他们的健康和生活方式细节,直到2016年。由此可知,这些研究人员是通过分析以前的数据得出的结论。故选B。

3.According to the study results, _________.

A fatter people were more likely to get cancer

B all cancers were related to weight loss

C more women got breast and cervical cancers than men

D weight loss was linked to stomach cancer higher than lung cancer

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The study found a strong connection between weight loss and cancers of the upper digestive (消化的) system (gullet and stomach), liver, pancreas and bile ducts. For these types, the risk was much higher, with chances increasing between three to over seven times. The link was weaker for colorectal (结肠直肠的) and lung cancer, though, and didn’t seem to affect the likelihood of getting breast and cervical cancers that affect just women.”该研究发现,体重减轻与上消化系统(食道和胃)、肝脏、胰腺和胆管癌症之间存在密切联系。对于这些癌症类型的人来说,风险要高得多,几率增加了三到七倍以上。然而,这种联系在结直肠癌和肺癌中较弱,并且似乎不影响仅影响女性的乳腺癌和宫颈癌的可能性。由此可知,减肥与胃癌的关联性比与肺癌的关联性更大。故选D。

4.Which of the following can be put in the “ ▲ ” of the last paragraph?

A They know their research has some limits.

B They want to find out why those happen.

C They list reasons for weight loss.

D They need more details about reports.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中题空后的内容“For one, they relied on people’s own reports of their weight, which might not always be accurate. Also, they only checked in on participants every two years, which meant some details could be missed. Plus, the study was mostly on US health professionals, who might be more aware of cancer and have better access to healthcare.”首先,他们(研究人员)依赖于人们自己对体重的报告,这可能并不总是准确的。此外,他们每两年才对参与者进行一次检查,这意味着可能会遗漏一些细节。此外,这项研究主要是针对美国的卫生专业人员,他们可能更了解癌症,也更容易获得医疗保健。由此可知,这些是这项研究的一些局限性。故选A。