
When someone is suffering from major depression, objectively self-assessing the severity of their condition can be challenging. Well, within just a few years, an artificially intelligent face-analyzing smartphone app may tell such folks how they’re holding up.

Currently being developed by a team of scientists at New Hampshire’s Dartmouth College, the prototype (原型) application is known as MoodCapture. The idea behind the app is that whenever the user unlocks their phone via its facial recognition system, the device’s front camera will capture multiple photos of their face and surroundings. An AI-based algorithm (算法) will then assess those images, examining carefully the user’s facial expression along with background images. If the app determines that the user’s depression is worsening, it will suggest measures such as getting outdoor exercise or socializing with family and friends. Ideally it won’t sound like a strong warning that the user seeks mental treatment — at least, not at first — as doing so might just make the person feel worse about their situation, thus strengthening their depression.
The AI was trained on a group of 177 test subjects divided into five smaller groups, all of whom had previously been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Over a period of 90 days, each person’s phone shot photos of them as they rated how much they agreed with the statement, “I have felt down, depressed, or hopeless.” That prompt is part of the eight-point Patient Health Questionnaire, which is widely used to assess depression. Although the participants had agreed to have their picture taken by their phone, they weren’t aware that it was doing so as they responded to the prompt. This is an important consideration, as it means they weren’t subconsciously masking their emotions when the photos were taken.
The app proved to be 75% accurate at identifying which people were experiencing worsening depression. Once the technology is developed further — within about five years — the accuracy rate should climb to at least 90%. And the big advantage of MoodCapture is that it allows patients to assess their illness much more frequently, quickly responding to downswings (恶化) before they progress too far.
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1.What’s the purpose of the app MoodCapture?

A To help people with major depression avoid suffering from depression.

B To help people with major depression know about their condition.

C To help people with major depression learn something about AI.

D To help people with major depression look better when taking photos.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,重度抑郁症患者要客观地自我衡量病情的严重程度是非常不容易的,然而几年内,一款人工智能面部分析智能手机应用程序或许就能告诉这些人他们的状况如何。由此可知这款应用程序是为了帮助抑郁症患者了解自己的病情程度。故选B。

2.What does the app do?

A It unlocks the user’s phone.

B It takes images of the user.

C It analyzes the user’s photos.

D It provides treatment to the user.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“An AI-based algorithm (算法) will then assess those images, examining carefully the user’s facial expression along with background images. If the app determines that the user’s depression is worsening...”基于人工智能的算法将对这些图像进行评估,仔细检查用户的面部表情和背景图像,如果该应用程序确定用户的抑郁症正在恶化... 可知,该应用程序会分析用户的照片。故选C。

3.Which statement is TRUE about the participants?

A They were patients with major depressive disorder.

B They all had felt down during the period of 90 days.

C They didn’t know they were being photographed.

D They avoided showing their true emotions in the test.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Although the participants had agreed to have their picture taken by their phone, they weren’t aware that it was doing so as they responded to the prompt.”尽管这些参与者已经同意用手机拍照,但他们在回应提示时并不知道手机正在拍照。故选C。

4.What’s the author’s attitude to the app MoodCapture?

A Critical.

B Objective.

C Negative.

D Optimistic.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的关键词句“the accuracy rate should climb to at least 90%”“And the big advantage of MoodCapture”可知,作者对这款应用程序持积极乐观的态度。故选D。