
Born in 1945 in wartime China, the beverage billionaire Zong Qinghou grew up desperately poor in Hangzhou and often went hungry. His father was unemployed, and his mother supported the family of five children on a monthly salary of 40 yuan as a factory worker, he said in an oral history book marking 40 years of China’s economic reforms. “Because of the hardship, as a child I had many dreams and hoped to make big money to repay my parents,” he said. As the eldest child, Zong left school after junior high to support his family and spent more than a decade doing odd jobs, including hard manual labor at a remote state-owned farm.”

In 1978, the year Deng Xiaoping ushered (开启) in China’s economic reforms, Zong returned to Hangzhou and spent the next decade working as a salesman, sometimes traveling to the southern large city of Guangzhou for trade fairs. “My only dream at that time was to have my own company and do what I wanted to do, and I had been looking for such an opportunity,” he said in the oral history book. The opportunity finally came in 1987. Zong borrowed 140,000 yuan to set up his own retail company, selling ice pops and stationery to students at a nearby elementary school.
The company, which employed only two retired teachers and sold ice pops for a penny each, would later become Wahaha, which is privately owned. During his door-to-door sales, Zong learned that many children were picky eaters and suffered from varying degrees of malnutrition (营养不良), which was a big headache for parents. Spotting a potential opportunity, he partnered with a professor of nutrition to invent a vitamin drink for children, called Wahaha Oral Liquid.
The product proved a huge hit, achieving nearly 100 million yuan in annual sales in the third year of its release. That year, Zong founded the Hangzhou Wahaha Group after acquiring a failing state-run canned food factory.
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1.How many people were there in Zong’s family?

A Three.

B Five.

C Seven.

D Nine.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“His father was unemployed, and his mother supported the family of five children”可知,宗庆后家里有爸爸妈妈和五个孩子,即七口人。故选C。

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Para 2?

A Zong made big money as a salesman.

B Zong lived in Guangzhou since 1978.

C Zong liked to travel around when young.

D Zong started his own business at age 42.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段后面部分的“The opportunity finally came in 1987. Zong borrowed 140,000 yuan to set up his own retail company”可知,1987年宗庆后创立了他自己的零售公司。结合前文他出生于1945年可知,1987年他42岁。故选D。

3.What can be known about the picky eaters?

A They always bought ice pops out of school.

B They didn’t get all the necessary nutrition.

C They led their parents to terrible headaches.

D They liked to drink Wahaha Oral Liquid.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“many children were picky eaters and suffered from varying degrees of malnutrition (营养不良)”可知,那时许多孩子挑食,患有不同程度的营养不良,即挑食者缺少各种必须的营养。故选B。

4.Which word can best describe Zong as a businessman?

A Adventurous.

B Successful.

C Responsible.

D Friendly.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文章开头的“the beverage billionaire Zong Qinghou”饮料大王宗庆后;以及最后一段中的“The product proved a huge hit, achieving nearly 100 million yuan in annual sales in the third year of its release. That year, Zong founded the Hangzhou Wahaha Group after acquiring a failing state-run canned food factory.”这款产品大获成功,在产品上市的第三年,年销售额接近1亿元。那一年,宗庆后收购了一家倒闭的国有罐头食品厂,成立了杭州娃哈哈集团。由此可知,作为商人的宗庆后非常成功。故选B。