
A South Korean zoo on Sunday (March 3, 2024) threw a farewell party for Fu Bao, the first giant panda born in the country, ahead of the beloved animal’s scheduled return to China.
Fu Bao, which means lucky treasure, has attracted a huge fan base ever since she was born in July 2020 at the Everland amusement park just south of Seoul. The panda is set to return to China’s Sichuan province next month after spending a month in quarantine (隔离). Thousands of visitors queued up in the early morning chill to attend the farewell event, with many saying they will miss the panda once she’s gone. 
“I was mentally ill three years ago, but Fu Bao has helped me get through it and brought me a lot of comfort,” said Kim Min-ji, a 31-year-old visitor. “It’s sad to say goodbye, but we need to let her go. I wish she goes safely and will be happy.” Jo Ah-hyeon, 24, said she waited more than four hours to see Fu Bao. “This is our last chance, you never know when we’ll see her again so I had to come,” she said.
Zoo keeper Kang Cher-won, who has been caring for Fu Bao, said the panda had given him so much love as well as teaching him a lot about the critically endangered species. Online videos of Kang caring for Fu Bao, and her clinging to him, are very popular in South Korea. “Fu Bao is a friend who has played many roles,” Kang said. “She was my first panda cub, and my heart is filled with memories of her that I will never forget all my life.”
The cub’s parents, 10-year-old female Ai Bao and 11-year-old male Le Bao, arrived in 2016 from Sichuan province, the home of the giant pandas. Last July, Ai Bao gave birth in South Korea to giant panda twins.
Female pandas can only be pregnant once a year for a limited period, and cubs have very low chances of survival as they are often born prematurely (早产地), usually weighing less than 200 grams.

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1.What is NOT true about the panda Fubao?

A She was about 4 years old.

B She was born in Sichuan province.

C She will return to China in April.

D She is very popular in South Korea.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“A South Korean zoo on Sunday (March 3, 2024) threw a farewell party for Fu Bao, the first giant panda born in the country”可知,“福宝”出生在韩国,而不是四川。故选B。

2.What do the two visitors mean in the third paragraph?

A They regret their past.

B They criticize the practice.

C They feel attached to Fubao.

D They worry about Fubao’s future.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段中两位游客所说的话“It’s sad to say goodbye, but we need to let her go”和“Jo Ah-hyeon, 24, said she waited more than four hours to see Fu Bao”可知,他们深深地喜爱福宝。故选C。

3.How does Kang Cher-won feel about Fubao?

A Fond.

B Proud.

C Tired.

D Afraid.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第四段内容,熊猫饲养员姜哲元说,熊猫“福宝”给了他很多的爱,也教会了他很多关于这个极度濒危物种的知识,“福宝”是他的第一个熊猫宝宝,他的心里充满了对她的回忆,他一生都不会忘记。由此可知,他非常喜爱“福宝”。故选A。

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A Female pandas are rare.

B Panda cubs are precious.

C Baby pandas are always sick.

D There should be more panda keepers.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容,雌性熊猫每年只能在有限的时间内受孕一次,幼崽通常是早产的,所以存活率非常低,它们通常体重不到200克。由此可推断,熊猫幼崽非常珍贵。故选B。