
Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Goldilocks. She had golden hair. One day Goldilocks was walking in the forest. She saw a house and knocked on the door. She went inside. Nobody was there.

Goldilocks saw three bowls on the table. She was hungry. “This porridge is too hot! This porridge is too cold! This porridge is just right!” Goldilocks ate all the porridge. Goldilocks was tired now. “This chair is too big! This chair is too big, too! This chair is just right!” But the chair broke! Goldilocks was very tired. She went upstairs. “This bed is too hard! This bed is too soft! This bed is just right!”

Soon, the bears came home. “Someone’s been eating my porridge!” said Daddy Bear. “Someone’s been eating my porridge!” said Mummy Bear. “Someone’s been eating my porridge — and it’s all gone!” said Baby Bear. “Someone’s been sitting on my chair!” said Daddy Bear. “Someone’s been sitting on my chair!” said Mummy Bear. “Someone’s been sitting on my chair — and it’s broken!” said Baby Bear. “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!” said Daddy Bear. “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!” said Mummy Bear. “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed — and she’s still there!” said Baby Bear.

Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. “Help!” She ran downstairs and into the forest. She never came back again.

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Where was the house?

A In a forest.

B Near a lake.

C In a mountain.

D Under a tree.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段的“One day Goldilocks was walking in the forest.”可知,一天,金发姑娘在森林里散步,她看到了一所房子。故选A。

2.What didn’t Goldilocks see according to the second paragraph?

A Bowls.

B Chairs.

C Bears.

D Beds.


3.How many bears lived in the house?

A 2.

B 3.

C 4.

D 5.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据文章第三的“Daddy Bear” “Mummy Bear”和 “Baby Bear”可知,房子里总共住了三只熊。故选B。

4.What did Goldilocks do after she saw the bears?

A She ran away.

B She jumped.

C She slept.

D She cooked.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据最后一段中内容可知,金发姑娘醒来后看到了三只熊后,她大喊“救命”,然后跑下楼进入森林,再也没有回来。故选A。

5.Where can we read the passage?

A In a health magazine.

B In an instruction book.

C In a newspaper.

D In a storybook.
